The Hypocrisy Of Plutocracy

The Hypocrisy Of Plutocracy

Even for those of us not yet born when it started and too young to remember much about the Vietnam war during the ’70s that are just now learning the full extent of it, judging by the shape our world is in at the present time, the following is indeed a correct statement.

The Dirty F*cking Hippies Were Right“~ by Joeyess

“There’s a black granite wall in Washington DC that bears 58,260 names on it…

all of those whose names are carved on that wall are DEAD. For what? Freedom?

If this country had listened when kids were screaming to stop that slaughter, that wall would have been one helluva lot shorter.

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a national memorial in Washington, D.C. It honors U.S. service members of the U.S. armed forces who fought in the Vietnam War, service members who died in service in Vietnam/South East Asia, and those service members who were unaccounted for (Missing In Action) during the War. The black granite memorial was completed in 1982 and receives around 3 million visitors each year. The Memorial Wall was designed by the American architect Maya Lin.
“The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a national memorial in Washington, D.C. It honors U.S. service members of the U.S. armed forces who fought in the Vietnam War, service members who died in service in Vietnam/South East Asia, and those service members who were unaccounted for (Missing In Action) during the War.”
(click photo for Veterans Today article)

Yet, we as a nation STILL wage wars of choice. Wars encouraged by plutocrats that never have to fight them.

Peace is never discussed. Peace has somehow become a pejorative.

Peace is no pejorative. Peace is essential to the survival of the human race…

and those who advocate for war, are a dangerous and fearful group who should be marginalized and disavowed. War is always the last choice. The “dirty fuckin’ hippies” were RIGHT.

Now the oceans have been rising, the polar ice is melting at alarming rates, the climate is changing in irreversible ways, our survival as a species on this planet is on a precipice.

The science on this is clear, humans are now in trouble. Because of our reckless stewardship of what we dominate, we have polluted this fragile jewel that hangs in space, our only HOME.

The food we buy is contaminated

Risks of GMOs

the toys we give our children as presents for Christmas are tainted with poison…

Toxic Toys

the water we drink is rife with carcinogens…

Water Contamination

the fish in our seas, lakes, and rivers, are so full of mercury, it’s only recommended that we eat them once per week.

We have now come face to face with our own extinction.

I hate to say, “we told you so”, but the “dirty fuckin’ hippies” were RIGHT.

We’ve elected sociopath after sociopath for the last thirty years at every level of government…

many of them, slaves to corporate parasites that gorge themselves at the public trough, while the most vulnerable people in our society, the sick, the young, and the elderly, go wanting.

Billions of dollars of profits are being snitched up at the expense and suffering of our neighbors by the jackals that comprise our pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies…

both of which pipe their diagnostic wisdom and fake concern right into our homes via TV and radio commercials.

These legal drug dealers now sell their wares with impunity, and the insurance gamblers perform a slick game of “three card monte” right in our living rooms…

most of these drugs have a list of caveats that would make even the most dishonest used car salesman blush…

and the insurance hustlers change the rules of the game just when it’s time to pay up, profiting from the suffering and pain of others, profiting from human frailty…

universal healthcare, it’s too expensive we’re told. Gasbag talking heads on TV and radio have been complicit in this deception while being handsomely compensated for their assistance…

I’ll say it again, the “dirty fuckin’ hippies”… were RIGHT.

Big box discount stores descend upon small towns of American like alien ships filled with cheap products bought at low prices from countries that pay their workers slave wages…

plutocrats love this business model, mom & pop shops can’t compete with prices set by these huge corporate parasites and to no one’s surprise, plenty of small businesses in these tiny hamlets fail, leaving towns filled with empty storefronts…

and even in some cases, forcing these same small business operators to go to work for the very people that ruined their livelihoods…

small towns of America are subsequently decimated by this invasion, often helpless in stopping it.

Wall Street has cannibalized itself. Still hungry, feeling the pangs of their greed, they’ve now come to the government for their daily meal and still, without a hint of irony, a spokesman for this ravenous tribe, mounts a soapbox and has the temerity to rail against the evils of socialism… turns out, the socialism is for them, and the capitalism, is for us.

Abbie Hoffman

Abbie Hoffman once baited these banksters by throwing cash onto the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, to no one’s astonishment, they demonstrated their insatiable greed. The gluttons couldn’t help themselves, they stopped trading, got on their knees, and swept up the free loot.

Wall Street should have been reined in long ago.

I’ll say it again, the dirty fuckin’ hippies were RIGHT.” — Joeyess

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