Tag: Vaccine Debate


I am PRO-HEALTH, a protector of children, and defender of people’s inalienable right to health freedom, and freedom of speech.

This is a news piece from 2008 revealing strong financial ties between vaccine promoters and vaccine manufacturers: CBS News – How Independent Are Vaccine Defenders? (aka “Vaccines and Autism Conflict of Interest”) That information was revealed several years ago, so why aren’t people giving this their full attention and questioning vaccine safety for their children’s sake?

Board Certified Pediatrician Lawrence Palevsky MD, graduate of NYU School of Medicine began to research and question vaccine safety for the sake of his patients. In his research, he found that diseases declined prior to vaccines, and, that vaccines indeed pose health risks.  This alone should be reason enough to question vaccine safety. Dr. Palevsky also gave testimony at the Connecticut Public Health Committee – February 19th 2020 offering clarity on vaccines and its risks.  Currently, Dr. Palevsky continues to observe, assess, and question the red flags of the “pandemic” urging every person to critically think and question everything we’re being told by industry funded media.

It’s important to realize that the derogatory and divisive label “anti-vaxxer” is nothing but a disinformation tactic used by vaccine manufacturer’s PR propaganda machine to alter public perception by “discrediting” and dismissing intelligent people who are questioning vaccine safety. It is designed to SUPPRESS AWARENESS about the serious risks associated with vaccines, from the financial conflicts of interest to the fact that vaccine manufacturers rake in trillions of dollars from the medications they also make to treat the illnesses that their vaccines CAUSE with absolutely no outside oversight, and are IMMUNE FROM LEGAL LIABILITY. (click colored hyperlinks for more information)

If vaccine adjuvants and preservatives weren’t a catalyst to other debilitating illnesses for which future profits are secured, and its toxic ingredients weren’t harming humanity worldwide, then it wouldn’t be the global CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY that it IS. Profits are motive, vaccines are opportunity.

Violation Tracker Parent Company Summary

SOURCE: Pfizer’s criminal history and penalty total for safety and healthcare offenses as of the year 2000

Parent Company Name: Pfizer
Ownership Structure: publicly traded (ticker symbol PFE)
Headquartered in: New York
Major Industry: pharmaceuticals
Specific Industry: pharmaceuticals
Penalty total since 2000: $10,193,896,333

Apparently, “trust the science” means to ignore the vast criminal history of the pharmaceutical corporations that profit at the expense of our collective health, and blindly trust them with our health despite their perpetual criminal misdeeds, plus the fact that they are immune from legal liability and also manufacture the medications that treat the illnesses their preventative products have been proven to cause, while completely disregarding the serious conflicts of interest including their influence in politics and world governments.

Currently, the industry that profits solely from disease with nothing to gain from a healthy population, is using its influence to censor and remove any and all vaccine risk awareness posts on facebook, twitter, youtube, etc., violating the Constitution and principles this country was founded on, and endangering every citizen, especially our children. See the letter sent to Mark Zuckerberg written by Florida Rep Bill Posey to counteract the blatant disinformation and censorship tactics of industry funded Adam Schiff, whose political donation list recently disappeared from Open Secrets.

Deepest gratitude to Mr. Posey, who is pro-vaccine but understands the far reaching conflicts of interest and risks associated with immunizations after receiving documents by a CDC Whistleblower that the CDC COVERED UP AND ATTEMPTED TO DESTROY DATA LINKING THE MMR VACCINE TO AUTISM that he addressed at a Congressional hearing on CSPAN:

Rep Bill Posey’s Letter to Mark Zuckerberg dated 3/4/19 below:

Posey Letter Page 1.pngPosey Letter Page 2.pngPosey Letter Page 3.pngPosey Letter Page 4.png

Thank you, Mr. Posey. It is of the utmost importance to investigate the pharmaceutical industry’s vast conflicts of interest, fraud, deceit, and coercion, due to its ongoing brazen attempts to conceal information; along with funding legislation, medical professionals, and censorship, to deceive the public and push vaccine mandates under the guise of “public health”.

Previous and even more recent measles outbreaks were later found to have been contracted and spread by VACCINATED individuals, yet, we are inundated in the mainstream with “measles scares”, to PUSH VACCINES AND FUEL NATIONWIDE MANDATES.

Outbreak of Measles Among Persons With Prior Evidence of Immunity, New York City, 2011

A measles outbreak occurred in New York City. All cases had prior evidence of measles immunity. Symptoms were consistent with measles. Laboratory results indicated secondary immune responses. This report documents measles transmission from an individual with verified secondary vaccine failure. SOURCE: https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/58/9/1205/2895266

Measles Outbreak in a Highly Vaccinated Population — Israel, July–August 2017

Both patients had self-reported history of receipt of 2 doses of MMR vaccine. The cases in patients A and B were laboratory-confirmed serologically and by urine polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing on August 7 and August 9, respectively (Table). A third patient with mild symptoms (patient C) was reported by NMRL staff members to IDFPHB on August 7 after urine PCR confirmation. Patient C, a soldier aged 19 years, was the partner of patient A and reported having received 2 doses of measles vaccine.

SOURCE: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/67/wr/mm6742a4.htm

Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D. Testimony West Virginia Senate Education Committee

Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D. gave sworn testimony at the West Virginia Senate Education Committee on Saturday, March 18, 2017. Dr. Humphries is a Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) Board Certified Physician who began researching vaccines in depth after observing her patients falling ill immediately after the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine.  She subsequently authored, “Dissolving Illusions – Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History” to help educate people on the truth about vaccines.


If vaccines actually did work as they claim instead of being used to scare the public into rushing to get vaccinated, then vaccinated people wouldn’t contract and spread the measles and there wouldn’t be a “debate”; however, evidence proves this is NOT the case, despite all the mainstream fearmongering for the sole purpose of “selling vaccines” in the media today, especially since the MMR vaccine often causes measles. My daughter got measles from her childhood MMR, full body head to toe rash, high fever, the entire measles experience, but I still trusted vaccines… until 2009 (see end for more).  Toxicologist Ashley Everly put together a comprehensive report, “Measles Facts to Counter the Fear“.

Vaccine injury is real, death is real, and vaccines are not the savior they’re made out to be: 4 billion dollars and climbing have been paid out in vaccine injury, a minuscule amount when we consider that most vaccine injury goes unreported or is not eligible for compensation, and TRILLIONS more profit is made from the medications they manufacturer to treat the illnesses vaccines are known to cause. This is an industry that only cares about MARKETING, not health. (click red hyperlinks for more information)


The ACIP, a division of the CDC, is heavily influenced by funding, therefore, cannot claim to be unbiased. Let’s look at a snippet of their “process” for approving a new vaccine”. The HepisavB vaccine was approved in Feb 2018 despite the fact that its new adjuvant causes heart problems. They will “wait and see” how it affects the public, known as “post marketing surveillance” and “post marketing data”, MARKETING being the keyword indicating vaccines are for PROFIT not for “health”. Thimerosal is still used in many vaccines, oh, but don’t worry, they call all “be combined as long as they’re, um, given in different limbs, um”. Are they kidding? (click red hyperlinks for more information)

“Each of the 12 members of the CDC’s ACIP Committee has a significant influence on the health of nearly every member of the American population. Because they are responsible for adding to and/or altering the national vaccine schedule, it is of critical importance that they remain objective and unbiased before determining whether a new vaccination is appropriate for use, particularly in the bodies of vulnerable young children. Unfortunately, a significant number of ACIP committee members receive direct financial returns when more vaccinations are added to the current schedule. Many own vaccination related patent(s) and/or stock shares of the pharmaceutical companies responsible for supplying new vaccines to the public. Others receive research grant money, funding for their academic departments, or payments for the oversight of vaccine safety trials.” SOURCE: https://www.lawfirms.com/resources/environment/environment-health/cdc-members-own-more-50-patents-connected-vaccinations


Are you PRO-life? If you’re also PRO-vaccine, then you should know that aborted human fetal cells are contained in many vaccines. Did you sign onto the pro-vaccine bandwagon to sanction abortion? Then please rethink promoting vaccines if you do not know what they contain or the risks to public health that they pose. Is defending unethical science that allows an industry to profit at the expense of life, worth it?


Characteristics and viral propagation properties of a new human diploid cell line, walvax-2, and its suitability as a candidate cell substrate for vaccine production:

Human diploid cell strains (HDCSs), possessing identical chromosome sets known to be free of all known adventitious agents, are of great use in developing human vaccines. However it is extremely difficult to obtain qualified HDCSs that can satisfy the requirements for the mass production of vaccines. We have developed a new HDCS, Walvax-2, which we derived from the lung tissue of a 3-month-old fetus.

“The tissues from the freshly aborted fetuses were immediately sent to the laboratory for the preparation of the cells.”

PubMed https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4526020/


Peter Jarzyna, PhD presented “Insertional Mutagenesis & Autoimmunity Induced Disease Caused by Human Fetal & Retroviral Residual Toxins in Vaccines” at the annual AAPLOG and ACOP conference in Houston, Texas on February 21st, 2016.”, please click the following hyperlink for the scientific paper he wrote with his co-authors: 31 Issues L. & Med. 221 (2016) Insertional Mutagenesis and Autoimmunity Induced Disease Caused by Human Fetal and Retroviral Residual Toxins in Vaccines

Dr. Jarzyna’s slideshow presentation was removed by industry funded sellouts of humanity youtube, as they now censor and remove any and all information that goes against the narrative they are being funded to push; especially videos by qualified scientific speakers, PhD’s and MD’s who have researched and concluded that there are indeed SERIOUS RISKS TO PUBLIC HEALTH associated with vaccines.

The pharmaceutical industry and its fully funded cronies, do not want us to be aware of vaccine risks or it affects their “bottom line”. They want us to blindly accept vaccines and march ourselves and our children in today like a herd of cattle ready for culling, under the guise of “public health”. The industry is currently forcing the COVID-19 VACCINE onto the world’s population, despite its being rushed and fast tracked with mRNA technology that has never before been injected into human bodies. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and other brave researchers, such as Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, Dr. Ryan Cole, and Dr. Sean Brooks, have been trying to sound the alarm about its serious and deadly risks, despite the censorship and opposition they are facing by those who are complicit in these crimes against humanity.

How many trillions of dollars is cancer treatment again (that vaccine manufacturers also make)? Or ever-escalating autoimmune diseases? We must question the pharmaceutical industry’s true motives, and their means of opportunity (vaccines), that have continued to sicken us and our children for decades, all the while regurgitating the mantra that vaccines are “safe and effective” and “for our health”, when they are actually using their scientific knowledge to intentionally create vaccines to cause future illnesses and secure lifelong customers using legislation and censorship they’re funding, to get away with these blatant crimes against humanity.

Evolution of multiple sclerosis in France since the beginning of hepatitis B vaccination

“Since the implementation of the mass vaccination campaign against hepatitis B in France, the appearance of multiple sclerosis, sometimes occurring in the aftermath of vaccinations, led to the publication of epidemiological international studies. This was also justified by the sharp increase in the annual incidence of multiple sclerosis reported to the French health insurance in the mid-1990s…

The positive and statistically significant correlation between HB vaccine exposure and reported MS incidence is consistently observed in different places, circumstances, and times (criterion 2)…

Most publications where there is no link between HB vaccination and the onset of MS [] received grants from pharmaceutical industry…”

SOURCE: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4266455/


The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons sent a letter to Congress strongly opposing federal mandates on February 26, 2019:

To:  Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, House Energy and Commerce Committee

Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions

Re: Statement federal vaccine mandates

Feb. 26, 2019

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) strongly opposes federal interference in medical decisions, including mandated vaccines. After being fully informed of the risks and benefits of a medical procedure, patients have the right to reject or accept that procedure. The regulation of medical practice is a state function, not a federal one. Governmental preemption of patients’ or parents’ decisions about accepting drugs or other medical interventions is a serious intrusion into individual liberty, autonomy, and parental decisions about child-rearing.

A public health threat is the rationale for the policy on mandatory vaccines. But how much of a threat is required to justify forcing people to accept government-imposed risks? Regulators may intervene to protect the public against a one-in-one million risk of a threat such as cancer from an involuntary exposure to a toxin, or-one-in 100,000 risk from a voluntary (e.g. occupational) exposure. What is the risk of death, cancer, or crippling complication from a vaccine? There are no rigorous safety studies of sufficient power to rule out a much higher risk of complications, even one in 10,000, for vaccines. Such studies would require an adequate number of subjects, a long duration (years, not days), an unvaccinated control group (“placebo” must be truly inactive such as saline, not the adjuvant or everything-but-the-intended-antigen), and consideration of all adverse health events (including neurodevelopment disorders).

Vaccines are necessarily risky, as recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court and by Congress. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid some $4 billion in damages, and high hurdles must be surmounted to collect compensation. The damage may be so devastating that most people would prefer restored function to a multimillion-dollar damage award.

The smallpox vaccine is so dangerous that you can’t get it now, despite the weaponization of smallpox. Rabies vaccine is given only after a suspected exposure or to high-risk persons such as veterinarians. The whole-cell pertussis vaccine was withdrawn from the U.S. market, a decade later than from the Japanese market, because of reports of severe permanent brain damage. The acellular vaccine that replaced it is evidently safer, though somewhat less effective.

The risk: benefit ratio varies with the frequency and severity of disease, vaccine safety, and individual patient factors. These must be evaluated by patient and physician, not imposed by a government agency.

Measles is the much-publicized threat used to push for mandates, and is probably the worst threat among the vaccine-preventable illnesses because it is so highly contagious. There are occasional outbreaks, generally starting with an infected individual coming from somewhere outside the U.S. The majority, but by no means all the people who catch the measles have not been vaccinated. Almost all make a full recovery, with robust, life-long immunity. The last measles death in the U.S. occurred in 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Are potential measles complications including death in persons who cannot be vaccinated due to immune deficiency a  justification for revoking the rights of all Americans and establishing a precedent for still greater restrictions on our right to give—or withhold—consent to medical interventions? Clearly not.

Many serious complications have followed MMR vaccination, and are listed in the manufacturers’ package insert, though a causal relationship may not have been proved. According to a 2012 report by the Cochrane Collaboration, “The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate” (cited by the National Vaccine Information Center).

Mandate advocates often assert a need for a 95% immunization rate to achieve herd immunity. However, Mary Holland and Chase Zachary of NYU School of Law argue, in the Oregon Law Review, that because complete herd immunity and measles eradication are unachievable, the better goal is for herd effect and disease control. The best outcome would result, they argue, from informed consent, more open communication, and market-based approaches.

Even disregarding adverse vaccine effects, the results of near-universal vaccination have not been completely positive. Measles, when it does occur, is four to five times worse than in pre-vaccination times, according to Lancet Infectious Diseases, because of the changed age distribution: more adults, whose vaccine-based immunity waned, and more infants, who no longer receive passive immunity from their naturally immune mother to protect them during their most vulnerable period.

Measles is a vexing problem, and more complete, forced vaccination will likely not solve it. Better public health measures—earlier detection, contact tracing, and isolation; a more effective, safer vaccine; or an effective treatment are all needed. Meanwhile, those who choose not to vaccinate now might do so in an outbreak, or they can be isolated. Immunosuppressed patients might choose isolation in any event because vaccinated people can also possibly transmit measles even if not sick themselves.

Issues that Congress must consider:

  • Manufacturers are virtually immune from product liability, so the incentive to develop safer products is much diminished. Manufacturers may even refuse to make available a product believed to be safer, such as monovalent measles vaccine in preference to MMR (measles-mumps-rubella). Consumer refusal is the only incentive to do better.
  • There are enormous conflicts of interest involving lucrative relationships with vaccine purveyors.
  • Research into possible vaccine adverse effects is being quashed, as is dissent by professionals.
  • There are many theoretical mechanisms for adverse effects from vaccines, especially in children with developing brains and immune systems. Note the devastating effects of Zika or rubella virus on developing humans, even though adults may have mild or asymptomatic infections. Many vaccines contain live viruses intended to cause a mild infection. Children’s brains are developing rapidly—any interference with the complex developmental symphony could be ruinous.
  • Vaccines are neither 100% safe nor 100% effective. Nor are they the only available means to control the spread of disease.

AAPS believes that liberty rights are unalienable. Patients and parents have the right to refuse vaccination, although potentially contagious persons can be restricted in their movements (e.g. as with Ebola), as needed to protect others against a clear and present danger. Unvaccinated persons with no exposure to a disease and no evidence of a disease are not a clear or present danger.

AAPS represents thousands of physicians in all specialties nationwide. It was founded in 1943 to protect private medicine and the patient-physician relationship.

Respectfully yours,

Jane M. Orient, M.D., Executive Director
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons


Are you a vegan or do you buy cruelty-free products yet do not question what vaccines are made from and how animals are used?  That’s like being pro-vaccine and pro-life despite aborted human fetal cells in vaccines; you cannot be both without being a hypocrite. This is meant to be eye opening, not offensive. SOURCE:   https://www.learntherisk.org/news/human-animal-cells/

Heavily pregnant cows are being slaughtered and the blood drained from their unborn calves’ hearts to be sold for export – where it’s used to produce vaccines…  SOURCE: https://www.texansforvaccinechoice.com/online/vaccines-and-animal-cruelty/

Animals are horrifically abused for the purpose of creating vaccines, drugs, and other purposes, all over the world. Below is another example:

Monkeys, viruses, and vaccines

By 1960, scientists and vaccine manufacturers knew that monkey kidneys were sewers of simian viruses. Such contamination often spoiled cultures, including those of an NIH researcher named Bernice Eddy, who worked on vaccine safety. In1959, fresh from co-reporting that the mouse polyoma virus could cause cancer in other animals, Eddy tested the rhesus monkey kidney substrate used to make polio vaccine. She injected 154 newborn hamsters with extracts of the cell cultures:109 developed tumours. Next, she ground up three of the tumours and injected the residue into other hamsters.The animals receiving injections from two of the three tumours developed cancer…

SOURCE: https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140-6736(04)16746-9.pdf

Salk kills a marmoset during an experiment

“Like many science centers, the Salk regularly performs research on non-human primates, which are used as a proxy for humans. Such research is particularly common when it comes to exploring the brain, and has been used in the development of therapeutic drugs.

Source: https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/science/sd-me-salk-monkey-20170816-story.html

If you think only rats, hamsters, cows, and monkeys are used (as if that isn’t sad enough), think again. Dog kidney cells are used in flu vaccines, and both dog & cat cells are used in animal vaccines, which also pose serious risks to pets and humans alike due to contamination with retroviruses.

In vitro assessment of the allergenicity of a novel influenza vaccine produced in dog kidney cells in individuals with dog allergy.

I burst into tears and felt like I was going to collapse watching those videos, imagine what goes on in medical research labs that isn’t publicized; but, people will still trust and defend the pharmaceutical industry above our children’s health, much less, the innocent animals captured or bred for “research” that are horrifically tortured then discarded like trash.  TO THE PRO-VACCINE ZEALOTS, FIND OUT HOW VACCINES AND PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS ARE MADE AND STOP DOING PHARMA’S BIDDING, THEY HAVE ENOUGH SOULLESS SHILLS ALREADY.


This is well documented, so then WHY aren’t we questioning vaccine safety, but, instead, playing into the divisive “debate” that has been intentionally provoked to suppress awareness of these serious safety issues? This is the same pharmaceutical industry that solely profits from disease, so WHY are we trusting them with our “health”? That’s absolute insanity.

Polio Vaccine Exposed 98 Million People to Cancer
PubMed Link: Cancer risk associated with simian virus 40 contaminated polio vaccine.

How ignorant would we be to ‘not’ question vaccine safety with a history like this and the fact that it’s man-made substances subject to error by an industry exempt from liability with both internal and external financial conflicts of interest?

International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nano-Contamination

Volume 4 Issue 1 – 2017

Corresponding author: Dr. Antonietta Gatti, National Council of Research of Italy, c/o Nanodiagnostics Via E. Fermi, 1/L, 41057 San Vito (MO), Italy, Tel: 059798778; Received: November 30, 2016 Published: January 23, 2017

EXCERPT: “Side effects have always been reported but in the latest years it seems that they have increased in number and seriousness, particularly in children as the American Academy of pediatrics reports [1,2]. For instance, the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP) vaccine was linked to cases of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) [3]; measles-mumps-rubella vaccine with autism [4,5]; multiple immunizations with immune disorders [6]; hepatitis B vaccines with multiple sclerosis, etc.”

Reference:  https://medcraveonline.com/IJVV/IJVV-04-00072.pdf


HPV Vaccine 1

Documentary from 2017 about the serious debilitating risks of the fast tracked and rubber stamped HPV vaccine: SACRIFICIAL VIRGINS THE DANGERS OF THE HPV VACCINE

Heartbreaking debilitating illnesses and death are a direct result of the HPV vaccine. https://www.sott.net/article/238651-Gardasil-HPV-Vaccines-Found-Contaminated-with-Recombinant-DNA

Deborah Sullivan is an RN whose two daughters were both injured after receiving the HPV vaccine:

Pharmaceutical Companies’ Role in State Vaccination Policymaking: The Case of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination

“Objectives. We sought to investigate roles that Merck & Co Inc played in state human papillomavirus (HPV) immunization policymaking, to elicit key stakeholders’ perceptions of the appropriateness of these activities, and to explore implications for relationships between health policymakers and industry.

Methods. We used a series of state case studies combining data from key informant interviews with analysis of media reports and archival materials. We interviewed 73 key informants in 6 states that were actively engaged in HPV vaccine policy deliberations.

Results. Merck promoted school-entry mandate legislation by serving as an information resource, lobbying legislators, drafting legislation, mobilizing female legislators and physician organizations, conducting consumer marketing campaigns, and filling gaps in access to the vaccine. Legislators relied heavily on Merck for scientific information. Most stakeholders found lobbying by vaccine manufacturers acceptable in principle, but perceived that Merck had acted too aggressively and nontransparently in this case.”

SOURCE: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC3483914/

Pharmaceutical purveyors still claim MERCURY was “safe” in childhood vaccines despite unbiased reports indicating otherwise

Publication Cover

A Case Series of Children with Apparent Mercury Toxic Encephalopathies Manifesting with Clinical Symptoms of Regressive Autistic Disorders

“Based upon differential diagnoses, 8 of 9 patients examined were exposed to significant mercury from Thimerosal-containing biologic/vaccine preparations during their fetal/infant developmental periods, and subsequently, between 12 and 24 mo of age, these previously normally developing children suffered mercury toxic encephalopathies that manifested with clinical symptoms consistent with regressive ASDs. Evidence for mercury intoxication should be considered in the differential diagnosis as contributing to some regressive ASDs“.

Reference: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15287390701212141

Adjuvants and preservatives in vaccines pose risk for AUTISM and auto-immune disease

J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2011;74(14):903-16. doi: 10.1080/15287394.2011.573736.

A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population.

A positive and statistically significant relationship was found: The higher the proportion of children receiving recommended vaccinations, the higher was the prevalence of AUT or SLI. A 1% increase in vaccination was associated with an additional 680 children having AUT or SLI. Neither parental behavior nor access to care affected the results, since vaccination proportions were not significantly related (statistically) to any other disability or to the number of pediatricians in a U.S. state. The results suggest that although mercury has been removed from many vaccines, other culprits may link vaccines to autism. Further study into the relationship between vaccines and autism is warranted.

Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21623535

Trace Amounts: Ethyl Mercury | Educational Documentary

This important documentary has been censored and removed by industry funded youtube, here is a Bitchute link: Trace Amounts, Autism, Mercury and The Hidden Truth

Glyphosate In Childhood Vaccines



Argentina’s New Vaccine Law is a Blueprint for American Real ID

Colombian law 1626 was introduced in 2013. Bureaucratic language approved by a handful of senators established that HPV vaccination was “free and mandatory.” What followed was widespread injuries to girls who received an HPV shot which was never safety tested against a saline placebo and includes a scientifically problematic and controversial aluminum adjuvant. The authorities and health officials in the country deemed that any and all serious side effects experienced after the HPV vaccine were part of mass hysteria collectively experienced by the teenage girls. A ‘blame the victim’ stance was also implemented by health authorities in Ireland, Denmark, Japan, and other countries whose HPV vaccine rollout triggered massive injuries to teenage girls. Communities, such as Carmen de Bolívar, were torn apart by the injuries as the girls were left to suffer by a callous and complacent Colombian medical community.

In mid-December of 2018 Argentina unanimously passed its vaccine law through both cambers of congress without debate, political discussion and seeing just one negative vote against it. Learning nothing from the ongoing Colombian HPV issues, the new Argentinian law forces their entire 20 vaccine schedule upon its population of both children and adults. Using nearly identical talking points as seen in Colombia, the Argentinian bill’s author Dr. Pablo Yedlin boasted on Twitter, “They [vaccines] are free, they are your right and your obligation”

The law is perhaps the most overarching example seen to date of how invasive a government can become by forcing a medical intervention [vaccines] with questionable safety profiles onto its people. The recently approved law indicates “certification of compliance with the National Vaccination Calendar must be required” including for passports, driver’s licenses and National Identity Documents (DNI)…

Read more here: https://thevaccinereaction.org/2019/01/argentinas-new-vaccine-law-is-a-blueprint-for-american-real-id/

Recent news about military personnel aboard a warship who came down with mumps symptoms despite having been previously vaccinated.

US warship quarantined at sea due to virus outbreak

March 13, 2019

“All seven hundred and three military personnel aboard the ship have received measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) booster vaccinations according to the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet headquartered in Bahrain.”

CNN Link: https://edition.cnn.com/2019/03/13/politics/us-warship-quarantined-virus/index.html

(Booster as in they ALL had been previously vaccinated with the MMR, including those aboard that contracted the virus and were suppose to have been immune, further revealing that vaccines do not protect us as we are continually told by pharmaceutical manufacturer’s marketing machine spending 30 billion dollars on advertising to dominate mainstream media and make lifelong customers. The pharmaceutical industry that profits solely from disease has nothing to gain from health).

Meehan MD on the Poor Science of the Recent Danish “MMR Autism Study” 2019 03 06

Dr. Jim Meehan clarifies the flawed science and names the criminal author on the FBI’s “10 Most Wanted List” who contributed to the industry funded fraudulent “Danish MMR Autism Study” that suddenly dominated mainstream media as an obvious ploy to dupe the public and fuel vaccine mandates.  Thank you Dr. Meehan, your integrity and concern for humanity is greatly appreciated. Published on March 6, 2019:

Immunity, Infectious Disease, and Vaccination – By Researcher Raymond Obomsawin, PhD

“Why do vaccines pose serious physical, mental, and behavioral dangers in humans? Get a historical overview of human attempts to create immunity artificially via vaccination and explore the issues surrounding these artificial attempts to protect human health August 2011.” Presentation published on Aug 21, 2013:

Despite ongoing attempts to discredit Producer and Journalist Del Bigtree, none of the astroturfers that are hired to attack his character could refute even one thing he stated in his lecture questioning vaccine safety and pointing out that America’s children are the sickest in the world despite having the best doctors and medical care available.  Social media shills (a.k.a. “trolls”) do no research; they’re hired as “trolls” to regurgitate marketing propaganda from a script disregarding of any references provided, as they are paid to insult, deceive, distract, and divide.

Veteran investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson expains how astroturf and fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, pharmaceutical, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages, as is prevalent in social media today.

So, if all of the above isn’t enough to convince people to question vaccine safety, then let me make this personal. My experience with vaccines, and subsequent need for research it caused, is that the swine flu vaccine (H1N1 vaccine) my daughter and I had in 2009 was made by Medimmune a.k.a. Astrazeneca (also associated with Merck), a pharmaceutical corporation specializing in AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASE. The H1N1 vaccine caused auto-immune disease in my daughter and I, that we are suffering from TO THIS DAY, conditions we did NOT previously have and that prior medicals records prove. It is also exempt from liability.

We become sicker as the years roll by, especially my beautiful daughter who was once a vibrant and energetic girl, barely has the energy to leave her room now, and whose health is deteriorating with serious Lupus symptoms before my very eyes, and breaks my heart, despite organic food & living a healthy lifestyle as best we can. She is underweight, sick, and there isn’t anything I can do about it, except post information to help prevent other parents from making the same mistake.

PLEASE do not let anyone convince you that vaccines are for public health, they are NOT. They are a clever way for vaccine manufacturers to profit at the expense of your health making trillions more money off their medications that treat the illnesses their vaccines cause.  They are now attempting to mandate vaccines stripping you of your parental right to choose, and forcing vaccines regardless of religious or medical exemptions, which is a Nuremberg Code violation as well.

Despite the glaring conflicts of interest, both financial and otherwise, people still want to “believe” vaccines are for “public health” since that’s what they say to market their products at the expense of YOUR children’s health. I once believed that “vaccines protect our health” and was proven wrong.

Please don’t learn the hard way like I did and make the most regrettable mistake of your child’s life. I wish I had been an “anti-vaxxer” then my daughter wouldn’t be suffering right now.

To the shills and the stubborn, go get the Swine Flu (H1N1) Vaccine, Tuberculosis (BCG) Vaccine, HepB Vaccine, MMR, HPV Vaccine along with any other combination vaccines, then report back after a few months on how you’re doing, until then, stfu since you’ve sold out humanity for a measly paycheck or pure ignorance, with complete disrespect towards the parents of vaccine injured children, this includes ALL pro-vaccine profiteers (from doctors to lawmakers to mainstream media), and social media shills who are hired to attack awareness posts, and the unwitting pro-vaccine zealots whom they’ve duped, one day, you will ALL be held accountable for your role as accomplices to these crimes against humanity.

Rebel Siren

Unity ALL Life


Is there another agenda besides future pharmaceutical profits? According to Malaysian Prime Minister who spoke at the NWO world conference in 2015 about the global population control agenda, there is serious cause for concern.

David Martin PhD speaks about coronavirus patents and the deception


















Dr, Chris Exley shares his research on the toxicity of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines

