Dispelling Internet Disinformation Tactics – Debunking the Debunkers

Dispelling Internet Disinformation Tactics – Debunking the Debunkers

Click Photo for “Disinformation – How It Works” on Alt-Market.com

Internet TROLLS, also known as “forum posters”, “internet bloggers,” or if we call them what they really are, SHILLS, are increasingly being recruited by corporations or subcontracted agencies not only for marketing (Exposing Cyber Shills and Social Media’s Underworld) or political purposes (Definition of a sock puppet), but also, to distract from the truth to prevent public outcry about hazardous programs such as geoengineering (climate engineering & weather modification), dirty archaic energy (oil-Keystone XL pipeline, gas-fracking), the dangers of genetically modified foods (GMOs, big ag, biotech, warfare chemical companies), vaccine risks, Smart Meters, 9/11 questions, and EVERY issue where profiteers put their bottom line and lust for control, over the destruction of the planet at the expense of our health & sustainability of the planet.

Internet trolls are often employees that answered a job ad on craigslist or some other online employment venue. The geoengineering trolls, specifically, are employed by the two main disinformation sites, metabxxx and contrailsciexxx, both ran by a gaming programmer, not a “scientist”. He and his band of internet trolls lack expertise in science, meteorology or any other field related to geoengineering, yet claim to be “experts” and fancy themselves “debunkers”. “Shillidiocy” is a term that best describes the rapidly growing industry of people ready and willing to sell out humanity for a few pennies per comment. Disinformation has been used throughout history for political manipulation and those same tactics are being utilized today by trolls hired to infiltrate social media.

1) CHARACTER ASSASSINATION(Psychological Warfare – discredit, distract, intimidate, frustrate, divide & conquer) – Disinformation shills (trolls)  attack the character of leaders in a movement to discredit them, thus discrediting the movement. A main character assassination tactic is to highlight any negative or perceived flaw of an otherwise reputable person, whether true or false, to discredit him/her in an attempt to invalidate their viewpoint and make it appear baseless, for the sole purpose of detracting focus from the information they are sharing. Trolls often “make stuff up” if they can’t find anything real to highlight for this goal, after all, shills are paid liars. Trolls are hired to make leading or inflammatory comments for the sole purpose of baiting their targets to create a “controversial debate” where none truly exists. They often resort to the “Trojan Horse” tactic to elicit an emotional response from their targets, frustrate, and evoke hostility with the intent of twisting it around to make the person look volatile, a classic “character assassination” tactic to discredit people, making them appear weak and unstable. Trolls frequently provoke people into a heated argument, and sometimes will go so far as to “report” them as being a “threat” to get them kicked off the forum. Another trick these liars are taught to do is to use semantics to twist people’s words around and make it seem as though they’ve lied, to discredit them and works hand in hand with the Straw Man tactic. These are all character assassination attempts that you will easily recognize happening in social media forums once you become familiar with these tactics.

2) DEMANDING IMPOSSIBLE PROOF – The most common tactic used by online trolls is to “demand evidence”, then ignore it when it’s presented and continue to demand proof that is impossible for anyone to obtain. Regardless of credible data presented by their targets in public forums, trolls repeatedly deem it as “irrelevant” and continue to demand unattainable proof. The purpose of which, is to dismiss any and all legitimate information (actual evidence), found by those take the time to do real research beyond the disinformation site links, and to distract from the fact the trolls fail to present any credible information themselves. It also keeps their targets scurrying and frustrated, giving trolls the illusion of having the upper hand. Often, disinformation shills pose as a supporter of the truth, or “friendly folks on the fence” politely asking questions, in a sly attempt to later discredit the movement. Trolls posing as friendly allies will post long, incoherent diatribes on fake blogs & articles, or inflammatory comments, for the purpose of associating the movement with insanity. Other times they will act as “the voice of reason” to make it appear as though any presented data isn’t strong enough, and they offer to play “devil’s advocate” to “help” the movement, with the goal of rendering any and all data as invalid regardless of how legitimate the source; perpetuate doubt, and discredit the movement.

3) DOMINATE THE THREADTrolls interject themselves into productive web discussions in order to make themselves appear credible as though they have a “real” argument, where none actually exists. Their job is to create controversy and instigate a “debate” by pretending to be “a regular person with an opposing opinion participating in normal discourse“, when in fact, they are paid shills that get compensated to scour the net and attack awareness videos on youtube, blogs, articles, public facebook pages, and other social media forums; they also brainwash their followers to do their bidding, using “chemtrails” as their Manchurian Candidate trigger word. Trolls often post links from metaxxxx or conxxxxxscience regurgitating the generic science of how normal contrails are formed, inapplicable to weather modification and climate engineering activity. They try to lure people to those disinformation sites to attempt to convince them that the persistent, spreading streaks we observe in the sky are “normal contrails”, yet they dismiss any additional information on climate engineering with verifiable references found on scholar databases. Another tactic is to claim that to advocate against toxic climate engineering is somehow “taking away from more important issues” like cutting C02 emissions, when ironically, it’s the SAME cause, and if we connect the dots, it trails back to big biotech, oil, gas & coal funding climate engineering.  The trolls relentlessly keep commenting on threads to dominate the discussion with the intent to keep their comments at the very top. They also vote their comments up and their target’s comments down, (if the forum offers that feature). This is evident when you become familiar with their methods. I have yet to see a disinformation shill post a reputable link, or any link, other than from those two disinformation sites or some equally generic source lacking verifiable references, or that pertains to what we observe happening in many regions of our globe. They intentionally divert attention away from credible documentation, dismissing it without due diligence. They often regurgitate harassing insults (especially on youtube), and repeat generic jargon about how water vapor condensation trails are formed, which has nothing to do with the persistent, spreading, lingering trails we observe covering & whitening the sky, blocking the sun, that is being done as scientific research, “field experiments”, the prelude to officially implementing global climate engineering programs.

4) PRE-WRITTEN SCRIPTED RESPONSES – (cut & paste comments): Trolls are supplied with a list or database of preplanned talking points in a boilerplate format designed as offensive maneuvers and deceptive comments to create an argument for the sole purpose of deflecting from the truth because that is what they have been recruited to do. Geoengineering “chemtrail debunker” trolls are notorious for this, and note they never actually “debunk” anything. All they do is deflect from reality and try to CAST DOUBT and keep the “denial” tactic going so the profiteers of climate engineering and weather control can continue to suppress public outcry in order to continue aerial spraying of heavy metals and toxic chemicals into our global atmosphere, jeopardizing our health and future sustainability of the planet, and prevent us from uniting to take appropriate legal action to stop this blatant crime against humanity. If you pay close attention and track the trolls, you will see that they repetitively post routine boilerplate comments all over social media forums.

5) FALSE ASSOCIATION – The goal of “false association” is to associate supporters of the movement with negative labels such as “paranoid conspiracy theorist” or “anti-science” to make their targets appear crazy or ignorant, and ultimately discredit the movement. Trolls deliberately associate the movement with far fetched concepts like “big foot”, aliens, “moon hoax”, false flag conspiracies, etc., because of the associated negative connotations. The goal is to create biases and dissuade people from objectively examining credible information presented. This works hand in hand with #1 (character assassination), and the “Trojan Horse” troll (sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule, engaging them in a hostile argument to try to discredit them, also known as the “attack the messenger” ploy). Online trolls often call their targets derogatory names such as “chemtard”, “conspiratard”, “chemnut”, “ignorant”, or “liar”, attempting to invalidate anything they say regardless of the truth of it. Trolls often attempt to make it appear that their targeted group incites violence (tying in with character assassination). Trolls will post hostile comments such as “let’s shoot down those planes” on public forums such as Skyder Alert by pretending to be a supporter for the sole purpose of discrediting a peaceful movement.

6) FALSE MODERATION – The disinformation tactic of pretending to be the “voice of reason” in an attempt to move people away from what is clearly true, into the murky waters of “doubt” where the truth becomes “relative.” And, when that inevitably fails, they resort to antagonizing and goading people with insults, name calling, and bullying. They routinely chide and taunt people to harass them into emotional responses with the goal of making them look foolish or unstable in an attempt to deflect focus from their point and invalidate any credible data they may be presenting. Do not let them engage you in an argument and provoke you into hostility, because it is a deliberate move to discredit you. Refuse to take the bait.

7) STRAW MAN and “AD HOMINEM” ARGUMENTS – A common tactic is that the troll will accuse his opposition of subscribing to an obscure point of view, then attack that point of view (Straw Man). Trolls fabricate a “perspective” and then rebut it, regardless of the fact that his target never made any such comment. Trolls frequently use the Straw Man tactic, for example: “you’re a polluter and pro-fossil fuel, because all of your talk about climate engineering is taking attention away from the real problem of C02 emissions“. This is the kicker, it’s safe to say that humanity unanimously agrees we must end our dependency on fossil fuels and implement clean, sustainable technology for the future (that’s why there is a movement against climate engineering, “spraying pollution to solve pollution” is insanity), but the minute we state this in a reply we have “taken the bait” because the troll immediately shifts gears and attacks making it obvious it was a tactic to engage us in a fictitious debate to deflect focus from the dangers of climate engineering, (the aerially spraying of toxins into the atmosphere, wider reaching and far worse than the problem of ground level pollution). The troll uses conjecture, ridicule, and accusation to try and prove himself as credible by attempting to discredit others, and often exclaims, “you have no argument, that is just ad hominem”! Ironically, that is exactly what he is doing. The troll is trained to appear confident, unwavering, and that he is undoubtedly right, when in reality, it’s the exact opposite. He is a paid liar and his goal is to create doubt and keep the truth covered up. Some trolls have even begun to use environmental icons or the Guy Fawkes mask (symbol of Anonymous) as a profile pic and more realistic usernames now that we are becoming aware of their tactics. On youtube, the troll username, “Kevin Schmidt”, is a prime example.

8) POSING LEADING QUESTIONS and “PLAYING NICE” – (with actual examples of real paid troll’s comments). When the internet shill realizes people are aware of his tactics, he will then try to play nice, act innocent, and pose a seemingly “harmless” leading question, example posted below.  The following bold, italic quotes are actual troll comments made by username William01702 who is known to routinely attack youtube geoengineering awareness videos:

William01702, (a known disinformation troll) used tactic #s 6, 8, and 2 to troll the video (link below) of the courageous Kristen Meghan, who stands strong to do what is right in the face of adversity to warn people about geoengineering and the disinformation sites. If you watch the video and listen to her, it is clear what is happening with the rampant disinformation in our mainstream; PAID shills are ready and willing to contribute to the demise of our world, and sell out their humanity to perpetuate lies for a measly buck. The shill “Hama Neggs” also trolled it with some derogatory comments about Kristen Meghan using #1 (character assassination).  Troll’s comments may, or may not, get deleted by the page moderator; but if they remain, notice the date and how quickly they found it. It’s their job to scour the net and attack, so in time, even if theirs get deleted, more paid trolls will appear.  If you check other awareness videos, you’ll see the same usernames in action.  Save LI Forum – 09 – Kristen Meghan – Geo-engineering

(William01702‘s trolling comment uses tactics 6, 8, 2, posted below. If you examine the troll’s initial approach and compare it to the subsequent comments, you’ll see the contrast, and the tactics become crystal clear. Frankly, no effort is required to expose these paid trolls, they do that themselves as their “bait  and hook” routine becomes glaringly obvious when you know their strategy)…

William01702 (troll):  Could you please tell me what “disinformation” you have found on Metabunk or contrailscience? I mean, you claim the information isnt factual, and then provide no evidence to support such a claim. Why?”… “It really is a legitimate question which deserves an answer. Despite what paranoid liars like GalileoGalileisGhost say.(If William01702 was just a random viewer, why would he care whether those sites have been exposed as disinformation, and “demand proof”, unless he IS an associate (a paid shill)? The answer becomes evident if you notice how he followed with the classic “false association” & “Trojan Horse” tactic to disparage shill buster, GalileoGalileisGhost. Would a random user that’s not associated with those disinformation sites have cause to do this)?

William01702 also posted this comment on a different thread, (note the contrast when confronted for his shill activity): “ I’m not a troll I’m just someone who is better educated in atmospheric science and aviation that all chemtards, combined.” (notice his derogatory use of the word CHEMTARDS a classic Trojan Horse move).

William01702 also wrote this:  “Chemtards couldn’t be more stupid if they wanted to be. You people are evil alarmists who spread fear, hate, and ignorance based on a lack of education. I pity the chemtards!” (does that sound like someone educated in atmospheric sciences or anything else for that matter)?

William01702 (a.k.a. “TheVoiceOfReason” on youtube) also wrote this on an entirely different thread, “Oh really and where do they say that THIS trail has ANYTHING to do with what they have “admitted to”. NO WHERE! It’s hilarious that you people read about some basic testing and then assume everything you see in the sky must be related to such testing. Chemtards are idiots! Oh, and BTW show me where anyone has admitted to any such thing! If you say HR2977 you’re a fucking moron!”

William01702 also wrote this on yet a different thread (verbatim quote [sic] including errors and profanity): “Tat should have read “because you are too stupid and lazy to understand basic fucking science”. But, does it matter?! Will it change anything?! No, you will always assume that just because you hate/fear the government that it must mean that you and your chemtard friends must be right about the trails in the sky. Nevermind the fact that you have never actually studed these subjects! You have visited conspiracy sites! You know it all real pilots are just STUPID for going to school for years!”

William01702 also wrote this on yet a different thread: “Poor chemtards unable to understand he difference between an intentional nefarious release of chemicals and business as usual”.

William01702 also wrote this on yet a different thread: “Why do you people pretend to understand that minor differences in temperature, engine power settings, engine types, and engine size can result in differences in trails, when its obvious that you are all fucking clueless!!! This video isn’t evidence of anything more than the ignorance of chemtards”!

William01702 also wrote this on a video about chemical fallout from geoengineering (notice the pattern from the previous comments): “Yup, I’m sure that she is a moron. And so are you. There is ZERO evidence that this “affliction” has ANYTHING to do with the trails in the sky. NONE! It’s nothing more than paranoid fantasy made up by those who like to pick at their skin. And you are right, she IS just one moron in a line of many. By the way accepting ignorant bullshit from OTHER paranoid losers on the internet is NOT “research”.”

William01702 also wrote these various comments on various different videos as well: “Stupid chemtards”, “Idiot”“Moron”, AND “that is technology that is not only public knowledge, but is highly regulated. It also has nothing to do with any trails in the sky. That’s the problem with you people. You are completely ignorant but are too stupid to know it”!

Compare the subsequent comments with the name calling & insults, to the first one that was on a video where his disinformation sites were brought to light and notice how he tried to recover by looking innocent & friendly despite his hostility and antagonistic comments on other awareness videos.


Who are these trolls that have time to sit around and make comments on youtube all day and night, and WHY target and attack awareness videos? The answer is clear, they are DISINFORMATION SHILLS. We have screenshots in the likely event that this loathsome user attempts to attack this blog and denies ever making those comments. So, unless he deletes all of his comments off of all the youtube awareness videos he has attacked, and closes his account, (let’s hope he does), you can plainly see his existing comments (and more) on youtube by checking his page activity or tracking him on awareness videos. The trolls get compensated to BAIT you and LURE you to those disinformation sites.

Yes there are gov paid trolls

This is a facebook thread with an epic example of the rampant shillidiocy on our social media forums.  https://www.facebook.com/usatoday/photos/a.100797840666.101835.13652355666/10151977186095667/ Many of the facebook shills attacking the honest people trying to raise awareness on that post are listed in “The Cult” article below. These denier cult members call others the “sheep” or “cult” because it’s clearly what they are and they’ve either been brainwashed into, or are compensated for, spreading disinformation and LIES: The CULT – Jim Jones’ disciples had nothing on these guys

 This is a growing list of known geoengineering (chemtrails) trolls: William01702 (youtube troll) ALSO uses youtube aliases, “William1965“, “William Noble“, “TheVoiceOfReason“, and it’s highly likely that he uses several other aliases as well.

William is joined by known shills such as Baronstone, Hama Neggs, Fred Lee, Lizoir, chavspotter, Terry Ram, Nwoflyer, thechief762, epsilon892, siouxperb5570, PM011, Phouse 1512, Niglet Gook, Belfrey1, aszi77, Jazzaconda, Baba Loo, Zygote, MrFubar75, “Kevin Schmidt”, ManicDeprescion, Zaparooni Zap, Windowpane767, Jack Haveman, Tomáš Fedor6, Andrew Buck, StratMatt777, Kyong Chinpao, Sgt. Rock, James Richard Tyrer (facebook troll), Miguel Angel Miguel (facebook troll that clams to have a high I.Q. and hold SEVEN scientific degrees, yet, in reality works as a balloon clown), silversaver82, Bruce Campbell, NeurOn911, ibtank, Arthur Hunt, Steve Funk, Todd Cory, TheVoiceOfReason679 (William Noble), mrstuperstefan, and several others, including Peter Harris, Khan Trayles (“con trails”), “International Chemtrail Association – ICA (advocating “dimmer, safer skies” by means of aerosol injection), Argo Rancor, Peter Greenall, Jeff Lindquist, Jay Uzinato, Star Bricker, Richard Johnston-bell, Portia Plantago-Lanceolata, Eman Sugob (“bogus name” spelled backwards), Rusty Kilpatrick, Douglas E. DeVries, Tim Coles, Yuri Zephyros a.k.a. Ross Marsden, Rescheckle Berglesteinowitz, Diego de la Vega, Rawley Bates, Serge A. Storms, George Salbert, Danni Bannanni, Jae Squared, Peter Greenall, Brian Real, Elizabeth Tague, Peter Dellys, Joe Gunzliano, Neil Pennington, a.k.a “Neil Penn”, (Australian shill with fake accounts on facebook, a self professed “PhD candidate”, that makes a living from unsustainable dirty energy practices such as gold mining, excavating, fracking, oil drilling; a blatant purveyor of geoengineering whose “hobby” is trolling and attacking the character of others running a facebook “fraudster” page to disparage a leader in the awareness movement -since removed), see: Neil Pennington aka “Neil Penn” – Rebel Siren – WordPress.

The CULTJim Jonesdisciples had nothing on these guys, an article exposing facebook shills and the brainwashed deniers that help do their bidding

ALL of the usernames above, and more, have all been identified as shills (aka “trolls”) infiltrating social media, utilizing the same tactics and associated with the two notorious disinformation sites, recruited by a mere gaming programmer, the granddaddy of them all, Mick West, (or at least that’s the public name he uses). The above list does not include specific GMO shills, however, when your recognize their tactics, they’re easy to spot. A few GMO shill usernames our team spotted on youtube are DeadFishFactory, Supercorrector1, David Ashlin, and “matthew gasiewki”, for example. On facebook Farmer Hank, Billy Snapp, and Joe DaFarmer, (along with several others). Side note, notice how the geoengineering trolls often claim to bepilots” or “scientists“, and the GMO trolls often claim to be “farmers” or “scientists“. See the pattern?

The reason these shills’ names are being published is to increase awareness and alert the honest public about which usernames are the most prolific, to expose the deceit & lies prevalent on our social media forums. The shills’ format is always the same and they often attack in teams to “back each other up”.  Anyone that does a little digging will find these same usernames frequently darkening awareness videos all over youtube, regurgitating insults, performing their usual antagonistic, tactical routine, and attempting to lure people to disinformation sites (metabxxx & contrailsciexxx) as most of them get compensated for it.

UPDATE 3/23/2014:  Unsurprisingly, the troll William01702, WordPress username “William Noble”, attempted to leave the following comment on this blog. It has been copied & pasted verbatim for observation purposes. Rather than allowing this known troll to post a comment to harass people with his antagonistic shillidiocy, examine it to identify the disinformation tactics he used:

I am william01702. You people should stop blaming others for being more intelligent than you. It’s not about “tactics”. It’s about pointing out ignorant fear mongering. Nothing more. I’m still waiting for someone..anyone…to provide evidence that the information provided on contrailscience or metabunk concerning the trails in the sky is in error.

According to the blog stats, “William Noble” a.k.a. William01702 AND “TheVoiceOfReason” did not click one single link provided in the body of this blog, do his due diligence, or intelligently attempt to refute any of the information therein. He merely regurgitated the usual harassing insults and conjecture, continuing to “demand evidence” without any due diligence on his part, and in doing so, he has only served to confirm the disinformation tactics running rampant in social media today.

IP addresses are public record, therefore, it is not only legal to publish them, but encouraged, in order to help keep abuse off of social media. The IP information of WordPress username “William Noble” a.k.a. William01702, can be found through the link below. This includes his general location and the contact information of his provider, Verizon Online LLC, with a phone number to report abuse (1-214-513-6711), so anyone that this troll has bullied & harassed on youtube or elsewhere, can (and should) report him directly to his internet service provider:


When known troll William01702 commented on this blog, his public information was provided, including his username, email (removed) and PUBLIC IP address as follows:

“William Noble’s” Public IP INFO:

IP:, pool-74-104-124-105.bstnma.fios.verizon.net

IP: http://www.ipaddress-finder.com/?ip=

William01702 has attempted to make several more abusive comments, using another WordPress username “thefactsmatter” coming from an IP address at Longwood Medical, Cambridge, MA: http://whois.arin.net/rest/org/LMA-4.html  Comments by honest people offering input are welcome considering that there are three honest mindsets regarding climate engineering; those for it, those against it, and those that have fallen prey to the mainstream denial tactic and remain unaware.  However, ABUSIVE comments by known TROLLS, as well as “baiting” comments, will not be accepted, no matter how politely worded. This is not “censorship”, this is HUMANITY fed up with deceit.

As William01702 has proven, SHILLIDIOCY is rampant in social media. Less frequently, you’ll see these strategies mimicked by others in the mainstream that have willfully succumbed to cognitive dissonance and easily fallen prey to the disinformation tactics that have been used on them. These duped followers seem happy to regurgitate the lies they have been told and are content to post links only from those disinformation sites, while refusing to look at any other credible data presented to them. It’s like a mass Stockholm Syndrome in which their limited intellects are easily held hostage by their disinformation captors, and they’ve fallen “in love” with Mick We$t and his band of marauding minions. These victims of mass brainwashing also exhibit the common trait among trolls, of refusing to examine credible, verifiable, REAL data (such as several scholarly documents that can be found through this link): http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=geoengineering+modeling+studies&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ei=e-q_UcHDCMjPiwLk4YEY&ved=0CC0QgQMwAA).

Sadly, people’s refusal to examine any data beyond the disinformation sites, means success for the disinformation campaign.  Getting the public to do their bidding, not only meets the goal of “divide and conquer” in the battle to pit us against each other, it keeps us distracted, engaged in their fictitious debate, and prevents us from focusing on the fact that heavy metals such as aluminum, barium, and strontium, and other toxic chemicals such as sulphuric acid, and silver iodide, are being sprayed into our air supply globally for the purpose of Weather Modification and Climate Engineering.  In this war on awareness, the truth becomes irrelevant, and the sleepwalkers, happy to remain blissfully ignorant, are proud to belong to the band of trolls that have, ironically, convinced them that we are the “ignorant” ones, and that they are the geniuses that have all the answers. To deny something that one knows nothing about and being staunchly unwilling to investigate or even consider that a possibility exists beyond their limited scope, is the highest form of ignorance.

The telltale difference between mass cognitive dissonance and a paid internet troll, is that many trolls have generic or offensive usernames, no profile pic, a generic cartoon pic, a celebrity pic, and recently, some trolls are using an environmental icons, “chemtrail pics”, Guy Fawkes mask (Anonymous), kittens, and “common” first & last names (no doubt fake) to trick people into thinking they’re an “ally” (like “Kevin Schmidt” on youtube). They are easily recognizable if you click around and track their previous comments on other threads, you will see that they have attacked using the repetitive format, and frequently try to lure people to their disinformation sites, where they get compensated to engage them in a futile “debate”, waste their time and distract them from spending time increasing awareness in their local community, and doing REAL research on geoengineering.

Don’t let the trolls bait you, lure you, or cause you to feel stupid for considering that geoengineering is a reality, because it’s just a ploy to suppress your awareness and they get PAID to do it. Keep watching the sky and research information beyond the fixed mainstream search engines. Watch the documentaries, Look Up! and What in the World are They Spraying?, take notes and look up the information presented (also notice the amount of trolls that attack those awareness videos)! The TRUTH is there for anyone that is intelligent enough to look past the deceit & lies.


1)     Never “reply to” them, (do not take the bait).

2)     REPORT them, because what they’re doing is a form of cyber-BULLYING and SPAM.

3)     On your page, DELETE their comments and BLOCK/BAN them.

4)   Keep a list of known troll’s usernames that you have had contact with and publish it on your page to help expose their tactics and warn others to avoid the troll bait.

Share this information to increase awareness and disempower their lies.

Visit reputable sites such as  Global Skywatch for more information about how geoengineering adversely affects our health, and is damaging our planet’s ability to sustain life. Credible documentation irrefutably proving that geoengineering is a reality, can be found through Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America: http://www.pnas.org solar+radiation+management

Additional troll’s usernames that have attacked this article on Reddit and setting a great example of the above tactics, voting points down, insults, and living up to their growing reputation are; adamwho, loliamhigh, ssn697, and herkimer (with the best example yet: Those are the exact same methods that the conspiratards have been using for years. Something tells me that this idiot is just projecting his emotional and intellectual failures on others.”). “His”? That shows a complete lack of observation on the part of herkimer in addition to his other ridiculous and offensive insults. More names will be added as they appear. A great big THANK YOU to all the trolls that are stepping up to the plate and exposing their own tactics with their comments, thus, providing “PROOF” that they are, in fact, disinformation shills.   http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiratard/comments/1wcoz9/it_appears_they_are_becoming_aware_of_our_tactics/

Additional References

Unmask Wikipedia sock puppets by the way they write – New Science Magazine

Internet Trolls Cyber Harassment, Hecklers & Provocateurs – ipredator.com

Video by Freeman Human below lists more youtube trolls:

To the comment poster originating from a blocked IP address in Niedersachsen, Germany (“Josh”): This article is not “going after” particular “users”, it is shining light on shill/troll tactics and merely providing common usernames to watch out for, along with an example of one such “troll” that continues to rampantly attack honest people having discussions on awareness videos on youtube. This user has several different accounts in which to do this. The reason a specific example was provided is certainly not to single out any particular shill/troll, but, to show the honest people out there, when to recognize a SHILL (troll), from a gullible denier that has fallen prey to the tactics designed to suppress awareness and prevent public outcry.

Too many honest people mistakenly engage in futile conversations with shills/trolls. Considering that there is NO DEBATE, as the “debate” is an intentionally concocted veil to mask reality, then there cannot possibly be “differing opinions”.  Let’s rephrase by stating that comments by non-shills, in other words, REAL PEOPLE WITH HONEST INPUT are welcome.  Thank you for pointing out the need for clarification, it’s much appreciated. The bottom line of it all, is that our planet is being ravaged, polluted, desecrated to the point of becoming uninhabitable, what further “FACTS” or “proof”  are required? (this question is purely rhetorical).

Getting caught in the web of the purposeful “argument” and feverishly trying to “prove” the obvious, is counterproductive; a grand waste of time (something we are running out of). To make it clear, debunking the debunkers focuses on shining light on the tactics that suppress awareness in the mainstream, and if applicable, using live examples to help do this. Trolls/shills/debunkers, intention is to thwart awareness, and those of us that care about the planet and have compassion for humanity, intend to raise the collective awareness that has been severely suppressed in the mainstream courtesy of the often clumsily obvious, but infrequently cleverly disguised, efforts of the DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN, including all shills/trolls/cyberbullies that either purposely, or unwittingly, assist in crimes against humanity.

Thank you for your politely worded comment, however, we, as a species, do not have the time to waste spitting hairs, it’s that simple. Whether your comment was a subversive effort or not, is truly of no consequence. Thank you.  ~Rebel Siren

The following link contains detailed info to research regarding “Cointelpro” and how disinformation agents create grass roots movements and infiltrate activist movements to derail honest efforts:  FBI COINTELPRO: The U.S. Government’s War Against Dissent Always research information for yourselves and above all, keep your eyes wide open and trust your instincts.

Stay aware of fake social media profiles, accept friend requests only from those you know and trust.

Paid Shill Troll fb profile


It is this blog’s right to choose not to be harassed, ridiculed, discriminated against, and abused by paid shills, ignorant hater trolls with too much time on their hands, or anyone else that succumbed to status quo “cult programming” by the aforementioned disinformation sites. This is not “censorship”, it is a conscious choice. We choose positive energy, and it is our unalienable RIGHT to keep our blog AND our world CLEAN and FREE from negativity, lies, hate, and malice.

We’re all about LOVE, therefore, entire pages full of abusive, insulting lies, revealing your true colors, (shades of skidmarks on the underwear of society), will not be accepted, nor will ever so polite “baiting” comments. Did you actually read this blog or just blindly attack? Your tricks are obvious. It doesn’t take a genius to recognize your rehearsed, prefabricated, repetitive spews all over social media forums. Whether you’re a paid shill or just a duped follower, you reject truth, respect, common courtesy, or anyone’s opinion that cares about life and the planet, opting to remain in your heinous, dark existence, thriving on the destruction you are perpetuating. Simply put, you are an affront to every living creature, and the planet itself.

Anyone with a conscience would be ashamed to be a paid shill, troll, or cyberbully, but instead they wallow in narcissism and their inflated egos supersede any sense of humanity that an otherwise intelligent, caring person with integrity would has. Internet troll personality study: Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, sadism Given the level of immaturity and self centered bully mentality, perhaps the only language they’ll truly understand is Pig Latin, so, here goes: “uckfae ouyae, itchesbae.”

~Rebel Siren

Beware of FAKE facebook pages often created by trolls create to impersonate, deceive, and harass those that dare to speak out for a better world, take caution when “liking” any social media page to be certain it’s real. Also, be careful and discerning with memes and posts you share to not inadvertently (unintentionally) spread disinformation. To all the good people out there battling trolls, stand strong, you are NOT ALONE.

52 thoughts on “Dispelling Internet Disinformation Tactics – Debunking the Debunkers

  1. This is Francis Mangels the scientist who was bullied by Mickey, Willie, Funke, and other trolls. The data I have gathered is true and done according to standards. Furthermore the EPA lab is prepared to sue you for false accusations and defamation if they ever find out your real names. So let’s have a real name, you accusers. You can find my info on the paper “Geoengineering What we Know”, which NOBODY has been able to debunk yet, other than Mickey’s usual ad hominem and straw man attacks paid for by the military contractors that sub-employ him.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Francis! Your work has been an incredible asset to humanity and the environment. It is unlikely that the hired disinformation shills will voluntarily come forward to honour your request and reveal their real identities, especially after dishonouring you with their ill attempts to discredit your work. However, every time they comment on this blog, their location is revealed, which will make it much easier for the authorities to find them when the time comes for a class action lawsuit to indict them as accomplices to crimes against humanity.

      The rest of the world knows that the lab results are credible and that their attempts to dispute them, failed. You have done amazing work! Please don’t let the trolls get under your skin, they aren’t worth it. Thank you for your comment and your bravery in facing those vile accusers. If it is alright with you, I’d like to post your paper “Geoengineering What We Know”. Thanks again! ~Peace~

      Liked by 1 person

  2. There’s this extremely vicious poster on topix that goes by anonymousofcours e. All I know about him is that he’s from Honolulu Hawaii. This disgusting person is unmatched. If anyone has any idea how I can find more info on trolls people paid out of Hawaii please let me know. I’m shivering right now I was so affected by this person I stopped talking to people on the internet completely because of him.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Certainly you may post geoengineering what we know. The 7/7/14 version is condensed and still only 3 pages but has more info now from my recent research. Unfortunately, it is rather disheartening to document further degradation of the ecosystem from jet spraying with Welsbach nanoparticles.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Mr. Francis Mangels! Your intelligent scientific research has been an amazing asset to raising awareness about the critical issue of climate engineering / weather modification (aerial spraying of toxins)! For all of the HONEST people that visit this blog, our goal is to SHARE INFORMATION. We are not interested in the fictional “debate” that was created by the profiteers of these programs in an attempt to suppress awareness and prevent public outcry about them. If you are a troll, get lost. If you are a denier, please do your research and due diligence before attacking an issue that has been intentionally obfuscated in the mainstream to deflect focus from the reality that our skies are being assaulted without our knowledge or consent.

      Mr. Mangel’s findings are being published as follows:

      GEOENGINEERING CONTRAILS — What We Know as of 7/7/14, +70 lab reports, photo/objective evidence, logic, facts, research, and scientist observations:

      LAB/FIELD REPORTS — Normal rain is zero ug/l metallic elements, pH about 5.6.

      o A lined pond (guzzler) near Redding has about 375,000 ug/l of aluminum. We are concerned that deer and wildlife drink this water. USFS ignored letters.

      o Sugar Pine Canyon Creek, Redding, CA has 4,600,000 ppb of aluminum (normal soil 15,000 ppb) in upper and lower stream. Fish losing scales, ulcerous, sick.

      o Sisson meadow pond sludge water in Mt Shasta has 12,000 mg/kg of aluminum, and pond is fed by city spring water, but exposed to sky (sample taken at outlet).

      o Mt. Shasta City Park spring water had 1540 ug/l of aluminum in 2009. Other streams have more. Aquatic and terra insects about 20% of numbers since 2007.

      o Since terrestrial insects are now very low, song bird populations are also very low. Road and window kill birds or wildlife are very lean, diseased, or cancerous.

      o Fish and insects died in Cold Creek, Mt Shasta. Aluminum, lead, arsenic. Of 200 trout stomachs examined in 2014, none had an aquatic insect, 95% had nothing.

      o Strontium, barium, and aluminum are often found in soil. “Dust” does not explain high amounts in the rain or snow, nor zero, nor concentration above soil numbers.

      o Outside soils in Mt. Shasta area in 2007 have over 1.6 % or 16,000 mg/kg of aluminum. Soil is 13000 mg/kg (1.3%) aluminum under my house, likely natural.

      o Snowdrift near McCloud on Mt Shasta at 8000’ has 61,100 ug/l aluminum, 83 of barium, and 383 of strontium, over 4 times that of protected soil.

      o 2013 rain report in Mt. Shasta gauge is 13,100 ug/l aluminum, 130 barium, 138 strontium. Undrinkable by state standards, 13 times the allowable limit.

      o Lab reports of storms range from 0 to 30 ug/l in rain with no spraying to 13,100 ug/l of aluminum; always positively correlated to jet spraying (national info).

      o Mt. Shasta samples were taken by a USDA scientist with legal water sampling experience and MS degree; he uses a plastic USNWS rain gauge on a 7’ pole.

      o Samples show a direct relationship to contrail density: More contrails, higher Aluminum, Barium, and/or Strontium in water; also boron, titanate, and arsenic.

      o Zero readings of any elements prove our samples are not self-contaminated.

      o The Mt. Shasta city water report indicates that aluminum, barium, strontium, lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, boron, and chromium are not found in city water yet.

      o Other states show high Al, Ba, Sr, As, B, Pb, Fe, and Mn, but any may be zero.

      o Iron/manganese may be meteor dust. Lead is from planes or old leaded gasoline.

      o Some have higher Al, Sr, or Ba, or zero on any, so formulas may change.

      o Radioactivity in rain was tested with a Geiger counter, no abnormal indications.

      o Some readings may be the result of local polluting industries. However, results are nationally correlated to jet spraying, over 90% with no local factory source.

      o Fibers that appear instead of dust have Welsbach elements; they are a spray error.

      o Activist site posted scientists’ data after the UV report was then crashed 8 times by hackers (military?). Over 12 million hits. Debunkers only 175.

      o Ultraviolet B is up 1200% of normal. UVA also up. UVB causes skin cancer and sunburn, and cell death on plants. Nanoparticles destroy ozone.

      o Mutagenic effects on corn, ovaried tassels, tomatoes. Tree top and bark damage evident, notably betulaceae, tulipifera, deodars, maples. Grapes, legumes immune.

      SAMPLING PH – From USDA 1983 Soil Survey Siskiyou Co. and rain reports.

       When contrails are inactive, rain is under 6 pH. With activity, pH is 6.5 to 7.5.

       The pH of rain is directly and nationally related to contrail pre-storm weather front spraying. Over 600 tests have been made, and this pattern continues.

       Coniferous Douglas fir forest north of Redding, CA was tested by USDA Soils specialists Komar and Jim Collins at 7.4 pH. He said it should be 5.5 for the soil.

       Normal acidity for Mt. Shasta area Deetz 125, 126 soils, a habitat of acidic black oak and mixed conifer forest, is 4.5-6.0. Now it is 6.5-7.5 pH in over 400 samples.

       About ten samples were taken by meter in McCloud, CA of yards, oak forest, and gardens. They ranged from 7.0 to 8.5, or un-naturally alkaline. pH papers agreed.

       The St. Francis organic garden and lawn in Mt. Shasta was 5.5 pH in 2003, now 6.5 to 7.0. Soil is 10-20xs more alkaline. The pH papers, meters, kits all agreed.

       Garden compost is black oak leaves, acorns, and ponderosa pine needles (acid), maybe mixed in grass. Sulfur slightly lowered pH.

       A pH increase is likely oxides, hydroxides, and carbonates of Welsbach elements.

       Contrails boomed during George Bush years 2000-2008, especially after 2006 and pH increased remarkably in soil and rain in those anti-environment years.

       Garden production declined for acid-soil-loving vegetables; potatoes, tomatoes. Most root crops declined in Deetz soils, but unpredictable in neutral Diyou soils.

       Some metallic cations are toxic to biological systems, and could explain 90% loss of aquatic insect populations in 4 headwater streams. Less change below springs.

       Natural insect variations occur, but not an 80% loss, particularly of diptera that live in sediment deposits in streams, where toxic metals accumulate.

       The metals, etc. are not from China, and scientists on Mt. Rainier verified it.

       The three main cations (as nanoparticles?) cause endocrine/enzyme malfunction. They are the basis for, or act similar to, prion diseases such as “mad cow.”

      Sufficient evidence indicates correlation with neurological, lung, and bone diseases, particularly in children as autism, asthma, and in adults as Alzheimer’s.

      Breathing and neural problems increased after spraying, esp. elderly and children. Autism 1/15,000 to 1/50, Alzheimer’s is now 1 of 3 a plague in 2013 says CDC.

       Five pet dogs refuse to drink rain/snow water, but insist on tap water. Witness!

       Similarly, neural, skin, lung, cancer, or endocrine problems are now frequently reported in cats (meticulous groomers), dogs, and horses (drink pond water).

      MILITARY CONTRAIL OBSERVATIONS – Observations, telescopes, retired military.

       In telescopes, contrail jets have few side windows, and usually military kc135 or kc434s. Some contract Boeing 737s have belly/wingtip nozzles. Video/pics available.

       Some contrails are multi-colored; often the middle streak shiny blue, brown, dark gray, but outside two are white. 2 or 4 engine jets, often with 3-6 trails, some offset.

       San Francisco Flight Aware says over 30 jets per day over Mt. Shasta are normal, about 100 West Coast. Odd patterns happen, at any altitude, but should be unusual.

       Heavy spraying days are often just before weather fronts, and mostly military jets. A weather lady on TV-12 remarked on this 11/24/10 and was fired.

       Contrail jets are most active dawn to dusk. Commercial jets do not usually leave persistent contrails, but military jets almost always do. Some jets contrail at night.

       Cloud formations and combinations are changed, new, and unusual since 2003.

       Before 2000, skies were typically a deep blue. Now skies are typically whitish haze or gray-brown blue, and true blue is unusual due to high elevation jet pollutants.

       In the 1950s to 1980s, a normal contrail was maybe 30 jets long and disappeared. Now they last several hours to all day, especially since 2003, or George Bush years.

       Some jets emit a ball of smoke over 5 degrees in diameter, and the contrail begins. If it were a lens of cold air, it would not be a ball, but fade in or out. Impossible display.

       Some contrails appear to have particulate matter streaming down out of them, much like fireworks displays, leaving trails of smoke as the particles descend. Smoke balls.

       Some contrails converge to a point, often over Mt. Shasta, then re-align, cross, curve, grid format, or radiate (asterisk-like) out from the mountain. Atypical flight variants.

       Two-engine and four-engine jets leaving 3 or 5 line contrails, with nozzles seen in mid-belly or wings. Military jets leave persistent contrails, usually in odd numbers.

       Pro-military congressmen and USFS claim contrails are harmless. Results of certified mail/phone: no answer, ignorance, security reasons.

       Many locals and USFS indicate lightning is more violent after jet spraying, esp. width and number of bolts. The number of thunderstorms is below normal and erratic.

       Heat of condensation in physics indicates micron-sized particles reduce rainfall. California is in a drought since spraying began, as rain transfers to Eastern USA.

       Contrail composition measured in rainfall is the same as indicated in the San Diego conference Feb 20 and in Welsbach geo-engineering patents used by military jets.

       Geo-engineers at the Feb. 20, 2010 meeting in San Diego saw D. Keith admit on camera that spraying may have terrible consequences. They don’t know.

       The military says that “engine erosion” causes metals in contrails, but won’t say more (military secret). Do engines wear out to require an extra 20 million tons Al per year?

       Solar collection panel efficiency remarkably decreases with contrail spraying, robbing investors of their just share of solar electric power up to 50%. Industrial jeopardy.

       At “What in the World Are They Spraying” in Redding, CA 12/10 a full panel of medical, ex-military, solar experts, and scientists affirmed it before over 500 people.

       Weathermen report consistent upper atmosphere conditions, but one day has 50 trails and the next day none, can one believe all jets cancelled? Where is consistency?

       Once a year, we watch two jets fly at a giant thunderhead, melt a 1-mile blue hole in it, fly through it, and the storm falls apart. What a drought-causing weapon!

       Many photos are available of straight lines, X’s, grids, circles, squares combos in high clouds, and in nature this is impossible; a military weather weapon system.

       Only the military industrial complex has funding capability; a black hole budget ($1.3 trillion) and control to be able to do geoengineering at $5 billion per year.

       Mud rain in Chico, CA on 5/14/12 had 58,000 ug/l Al, 480 Sr, and 413 Ba. “Never seen it before. Hard to get off,” the newspaper said, “Dust in rainy weather.” Oh?

       We observed a military jet 1/2 mile away spraying Shasta via nozzles, returning over precisely the same route ½ hour later, not spraying (no time to land), routine pattern.

       Why would all these scientists be making this stuff up about climate and geoengineering effects? A fact is a fact is a fact, not a belief or opinion.

      This is revised as new reliable observations and data are available. By Francis Mangels.
      Novim – Climate Engineering 2009
      National Academy Press – Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth (2015)
      Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) Journal Content for Solar Radiation Management
      Bill Gates Funding Geoengineering Research since 2007
      Climate Engineering Conference 2012
      Has The anti-Geoengineering Movement Been Hijacked? – Michael J. Murphy
      Former USDA Crop Loss Adjuster Rosalind Peterson Keynote Speaker At 60th Annual UN Climate Conference 2007 To Address Weather Modification, Geoengineering, and Jet Fuel Pollution

      Thank you again, Mr. Mangels, for the outstanding scientific work you are doing! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Greate pieces. Keep writing such kind of info on your page.

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    Liked by 1 person

  5. TJ Whitt from Texas is another troll/shill who insulted a friend of mine on Reed Timmer’s storm chasing website. A bunch of other troll/shills were out in full force when someone brought up the subject of chemtrails on this same site.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This is another example of the mentality of the “debunker cult ” recruited to suppress awareness with abusive tactics. This one’s from Scotland.
    UK Troll Comment
    Thank you, known troll, “Elizabeth Tague”, now we have YOUR information. Every time you geniuses comment, we get your IP address, your email address, and your location. That way, in the near future when the global class action lawsuit develops, indicting you as an accomplice to crimes against humanity, authorities will be able to find you. Incidentally, there is no such word or phrase as “unself-aware”. Go back to school.

    Our disclaimer is clear, by leaving abusive comments, you have consented to your information associated with your comment to be be published, and the comment used for education purposes to alert the honest public about your rampant shill (troll) attacks on social media.


  7. My Dad and I working in our yard here in Western Oregon noticed a couple times that just before a big storm is suppose to happen we see these weird spray lines that do strange half U turns.

    We saw two of the lines real close to each other and in many cases we have seen up to 4 spray lines *straight* real close to each other coming from Central Oregon where there is NO commercial traffic.

    Commercial traffic flies N/NE towards the Portland airport doing the approach and leaves almost no trail behind. Some of the newer commercial craft there is NOTHING left behind it.

    I got blocked on Geo Engineering Watch Blog and I assume it might be one of my comments that said that global warming was not man made and is done using weapons to *force* the climate to change in order to bring about the one world money system so people will voluntary accept the new order ran by monopolies and my comment never got past the moderation stage.

    If the Geo Engineering site is honest why do they go to such lengths to make it difficult to post comments and remove those they “don’t like?” for whatever reason?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. And this is the Troll ‘Coven’ on Facebook… ‘World Wide False Flag’… They ‘Hijacked’ the page from genuine researchers… 7 of the names listed above are members of this FB group, a further 8 names come from a BBC FB page trying to debunk Chem/Geo engineering, Paul G Forshaw Louis Gilbert, Jeff Cottier, Ronnie Phillips, Steven Hamblin, Chris Singleton, TJ Whitt…

    They try & destroy any type of debate/evidence with ridicule, nastiness & sometimes Vile comments…

    If you would like to add me on FB, I have something you might be able to help me with & use concerning this troll group… Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  9. In this eye-opening talk, veteran investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson shows how astroturf, or fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages.

    Pro-vaccine propaganda via “astroturfing” (paid forum bloggers a.k.a. shills, trolls) are recruited and compensated by vaccine profiteers’ public relations firms to scour social media and contradict any and all vaccine awareness, the same format as the trolls who attack anti-geoengineering, GMO awareness, etc… http://www.foodrenegade.com/vaccines-pr-and-the-news-cycle/


  10. Videos continue to be removed on youtube and posts/pages on facebook are being censored as it has turned into INDUSTRY FUNDED DECEPTION. Keep sharing truth while you can and choose other video and social media forums that aren’t industry funded sellouts of humanity complicit in CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY as facebook, twitter, youtube and google have become, and one day WILL be held accountable. Nuremberg Code must be resurrected and reformatted to fit today’s crimes against humanity.


  11. Nazi style propaganda today means that many of the articles exposing the way disinformation works have been systematically removed. Trust your instincts to realize what’s happening, when they have this much control, the world is in trouble. If any of the psyop social media trolls are helping assist this travesty they are ACCOMPLICES TO CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and one day will be held accountable, just like those who back in the Nazi days that were held to the Nuremberg Code. JUST WAIT.


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