Category: Trolls, Shills, Cyberbullies, Sock Puppets & Psyops


I am PRO-HEALTH, a protector of children, and defender of people’s inalienable right to health freedom, and freedom of speech.

This is a news piece from 2008 revealing strong financial ties between vaccine promoters and vaccine manufacturers: CBS News – How Independent Are Vaccine Defenders? (aka “Vaccines and Autism Conflict of Interest”) That information was revealed several years ago, so why aren’t people giving this their full attention and questioning vaccine safety for their children’s sake?

Board Certified Pediatrician Lawrence Palevsky MD, graduate of NYU School of Medicine began to research and question vaccine safety for the sake of his patients. In his research, he found that diseases declined prior to vaccines, and, that vaccines indeed pose health risks.  This alone should be reason enough to question vaccine safety. Dr. Palevsky also gave testimony at the Connecticut Public Health Committee – February 19th 2020 offering clarity on vaccines and its risks.  Currently, Dr. Palevsky continues to observe, assess, and question the red flags of the “pandemic” urging every person to critically think and question everything we’re being told by industry funded media.

It’s important to realize that the derogatory and divisive label “anti-vaxxer” is nothing but a disinformation tactic used by vaccine manufacturer’s PR propaganda machine to alter public perception by “discrediting” and dismissing intelligent people who are questioning vaccine safety. It is designed to SUPPRESS AWARENESS about the serious risks associated with vaccines, from the financial conflicts of interest to the fact that vaccine manufacturers rake in trillions of dollars from the medications they also make to treat the illnesses that their vaccines CAUSE with absolutely no outside oversight, and are IMMUNE FROM LEGAL LIABILITY. (click colored hyperlinks for more information)

If vaccine adjuvants and preservatives weren’t a catalyst to other debilitating illnesses for which future profits are secured, and its toxic ingredients weren’t harming humanity worldwide, then it wouldn’t be the global CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY that it IS. Profits are motive, vaccines are opportunity.

Violation Tracker Parent Company Summary

SOURCE: Pfizer’s criminal history and penalty total for safety and healthcare offenses as of the year 2000

Parent Company Name: Pfizer
Ownership Structure: publicly traded (ticker symbol PFE)
Headquartered in: New York
Major Industry: pharmaceuticals
Specific Industry: pharmaceuticals
Penalty total since 2000: $10,193,896,333

Apparently, “trust the science” means to ignore the vast criminal history of the pharmaceutical corporations that profit at the expense of our collective health, and blindly trust them with our health despite their perpetual criminal misdeeds, plus the fact that they are immune from legal liability and also manufacture the medications that treat the illnesses their preventative products have been proven to cause, while completely disregarding the serious conflicts of interest including their influence in politics and world governments.

Currently, the industry that profits solely from disease with nothing to gain from a healthy population, is using its influence to censor and remove any and all vaccine risk awareness posts on facebook, twitter, youtube, etc., violating the Constitution and principles this country was founded on, and endangering every citizen, especially our children. See the letter sent to Mark Zuckerberg written by Florida Rep Bill Posey to counteract the blatant disinformation and censorship tactics of industry funded Adam Schiff, whose political donation list recently disappeared from Open Secrets.

Deepest gratitude to Mr. Posey, who is pro-vaccine but understands the far reaching conflicts of interest and risks associated with immunizations after receiving documents by a CDC Whistleblower that the CDC COVERED UP AND ATTEMPTED TO DESTROY DATA LINKING THE MMR VACCINE TO AUTISM that he addressed at a Congressional hearing on CSPAN:

Rep Bill Posey’s Letter to Mark Zuckerberg dated 3/4/19 below:

Posey Letter Page 1.pngPosey Letter Page 2.pngPosey Letter Page 3.pngPosey Letter Page 4.png

Thank you, Mr. Posey. It is of the utmost importance to investigate the pharmaceutical industry’s vast conflicts of interest, fraud, deceit, and coercion, due to its ongoing brazen attempts to conceal information; along with funding legislation, medical professionals, and censorship, to deceive the public and push vaccine mandates under the guise of “public health”.

Previous and even more recent measles outbreaks were later found to have been contracted and spread by VACCINATED individuals, yet, we are inundated in the mainstream with “measles scares”, to PUSH VACCINES AND FUEL NATIONWIDE MANDATES.

Outbreak of Measles Among Persons With Prior Evidence of Immunity, New York City, 2011

A measles outbreak occurred in New York City. All cases had prior evidence of measles immunity. Symptoms were consistent with measles. Laboratory results indicated secondary immune responses. This report documents measles transmission from an individual with verified secondary vaccine failure. SOURCE:

Measles Outbreak in a Highly Vaccinated Population — Israel, July–August 2017

Both patients had self-reported history of receipt of 2 doses of MMR vaccine. The cases in patients A and B were laboratory-confirmed serologically and by urine polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing on August 7 and August 9, respectively (Table). A third patient with mild symptoms (patient C) was reported by NMRL staff members to IDFPHB on August 7 after urine PCR confirmation. Patient C, a soldier aged 19 years, was the partner of patient A and reported having received 2 doses of measles vaccine.


Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D. Testimony West Virginia Senate Education Committee

Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D. gave sworn testimony at the West Virginia Senate Education Committee on Saturday, March 18, 2017. Dr. Humphries is a Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) Board Certified Physician who began researching vaccines in depth after observing her patients falling ill immediately after the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine.  She subsequently authored, “Dissolving Illusions – Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History” to help educate people on the truth about vaccines.

If vaccines actually did work as they claim instead of being used to scare the public into rushing to get vaccinated, then vaccinated people wouldn’t contract and spread the measles and there wouldn’t be a “debate”; however, evidence proves this is NOT the case, despite all the mainstream fearmongering for the sole purpose of “selling vaccines” in the media today, especially since the MMR vaccine often causes measles. My daughter got measles from her childhood MMR, full body head to toe rash, high fever, the entire measles experience, but I still trusted vaccines… until 2009 (see end for more).  Toxicologist Ashley Everly put together a comprehensive report, “Measles Facts to Counter the Fear“.

Vaccine injury is real, death is real, and vaccines are not the savior they’re made out to be: 4 billion dollars and climbing have been paid out in vaccine injury, a minuscule amount when we consider that most vaccine injury goes unreported or is not eligible for compensation, and TRILLIONS more profit is made from the medications they manufacturer to treat the illnesses vaccines are known to cause. This is an industry that only cares about MARKETING, not health. (click red hyperlinks for more information)


The ACIP, a division of the CDC, is heavily influenced by funding, therefore, cannot claim to be unbiased. Let’s look at a snippet of their “process” for approving a new vaccine”. The HepisavB vaccine was approved in Feb 2018 despite the fact that its new adjuvant causes heart problems. They will “wait and see” how it affects the public, known as “post marketing surveillance” and “post marketing data”, MARKETING being the keyword indicating vaccines are for PROFIT not for “health”. Thimerosal is still used in many vaccines, oh, but don’t worry, they call all “be combined as long as they’re, um, given in different limbs, um”. Are they kidding? (click red hyperlinks for more information)

“Each of the 12 members of the CDC’s ACIP Committee has a significant influence on the health of nearly every member of the American population. Because they are responsible for adding to and/or altering the national vaccine schedule, it is of critical importance that they remain objective and unbiased before determining whether a new vaccination is appropriate for use, particularly in the bodies of vulnerable young children. Unfortunately, a significant number of ACIP committee members receive direct financial returns when more vaccinations are added to the current schedule. Many own vaccination related patent(s) and/or stock shares of the pharmaceutical companies responsible for supplying new vaccines to the public. Others receive research grant money, funding for their academic departments, or payments for the oversight of vaccine safety trials.” SOURCE:


Are you PRO-life? If you’re also PRO-vaccine, then you should know that aborted human fetal cells are contained in many vaccines. Did you sign onto the pro-vaccine bandwagon to sanction abortion? Then please rethink promoting vaccines if you do not know what they contain or the risks to public health that they pose. Is defending unethical science that allows an industry to profit at the expense of life, worth it?


Characteristics and viral propagation properties of a new human diploid cell line, walvax-2, and its suitability as a candidate cell substrate for vaccine production:

Human diploid cell strains (HDCSs), possessing identical chromosome sets known to be free of all known adventitious agents, are of great use in developing human vaccines. However it is extremely difficult to obtain qualified HDCSs that can satisfy the requirements for the mass production of vaccines. We have developed a new HDCS, Walvax-2, which we derived from the lung tissue of a 3-month-old fetus.

“The tissues from the freshly aborted fetuses were immediately sent to the laboratory for the preparation of the cells.”



Peter Jarzyna, PhD presented “Insertional Mutagenesis & Autoimmunity Induced Disease Caused by Human Fetal & Retroviral Residual Toxins in Vaccines” at the annual AAPLOG and ACOP conference in Houston, Texas on February 21st, 2016.”, please click the following hyperlink for the scientific paper he wrote with his co-authors: 31 Issues L. & Med. 221 (2016) Insertional Mutagenesis and Autoimmunity Induced Disease Caused by Human Fetal and Retroviral Residual Toxins in Vaccines

Dr. Jarzyna’s slideshow presentation was removed by industry funded sellouts of humanity youtube, as they now censor and remove any and all information that goes against the narrative they are being funded to push; especially videos by qualified scientific speakers, PhD’s and MD’s who have researched and concluded that there are indeed SERIOUS RISKS TO PUBLIC HEALTH associated with vaccines.

The pharmaceutical industry and its fully funded cronies, do not want us to be aware of vaccine risks or it affects their “bottom line”. They want us to blindly accept vaccines and march ourselves and our children in today like a herd of cattle ready for culling, under the guise of “public health”. The industry is currently forcing the COVID-19 VACCINE onto the world’s population, despite its being rushed and fast tracked with mRNA technology that has never before been injected into human bodies. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and other brave researchers, such as Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, Dr. Ryan Cole, and Dr. Sean Brooks, have been trying to sound the alarm about its serious and deadly risks, despite the censorship and opposition they are facing by those who are complicit in these crimes against humanity.

How many trillions of dollars is cancer treatment again (that vaccine manufacturers also make)? Or ever-escalating autoimmune diseases? We must question the pharmaceutical industry’s true motives, and their means of opportunity (vaccines), that have continued to sicken us and our children for decades, all the while regurgitating the mantra that vaccines are “safe and effective” and “for our health”, when they are actually using their scientific knowledge to intentionally create vaccines to cause future illnesses and secure lifelong customers using legislation and censorship they’re funding, to get away with these blatant crimes against humanity.

Evolution of multiple sclerosis in France since the beginning of hepatitis B vaccination

“Since the implementation of the mass vaccination campaign against hepatitis B in France, the appearance of multiple sclerosis, sometimes occurring in the aftermath of vaccinations, led to the publication of epidemiological international studies. This was also justified by the sharp increase in the annual incidence of multiple sclerosis reported to the French health insurance in the mid-1990s…

The positive and statistically significant correlation between HB vaccine exposure and reported MS incidence is consistently observed in different places, circumstances, and times (criterion 2)…

Most publications where there is no link between HB vaccination and the onset of MS [] received grants from pharmaceutical industry…”



The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons sent a letter to Congress strongly opposing federal mandates on February 26, 2019:

To:  Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, House Energy and Commerce Committee

Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions

Re: Statement federal vaccine mandates

Feb. 26, 2019

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) strongly opposes federal interference in medical decisions, including mandated vaccines. After being fully informed of the risks and benefits of a medical procedure, patients have the right to reject or accept that procedure. The regulation of medical practice is a state function, not a federal one. Governmental preemption of patients’ or parents’ decisions about accepting drugs or other medical interventions is a serious intrusion into individual liberty, autonomy, and parental decisions about child-rearing.

A public health threat is the rationale for the policy on mandatory vaccines. But how much of a threat is required to justify forcing people to accept government-imposed risks? Regulators may intervene to protect the public against a one-in-one million risk of a threat such as cancer from an involuntary exposure to a toxin, or-one-in 100,000 risk from a voluntary (e.g. occupational) exposure. What is the risk of death, cancer, or crippling complication from a vaccine? There are no rigorous safety studies of sufficient power to rule out a much higher risk of complications, even one in 10,000, for vaccines. Such studies would require an adequate number of subjects, a long duration (years, not days), an unvaccinated control group (“placebo” must be truly inactive such as saline, not the adjuvant or everything-but-the-intended-antigen), and consideration of all adverse health events (including neurodevelopment disorders).

Vaccines are necessarily risky, as recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court and by Congress. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid some $4 billion in damages, and high hurdles must be surmounted to collect compensation. The damage may be so devastating that most people would prefer restored function to a multimillion-dollar damage award.

The smallpox vaccine is so dangerous that you can’t get it now, despite the weaponization of smallpox. Rabies vaccine is given only after a suspected exposure or to high-risk persons such as veterinarians. The whole-cell pertussis vaccine was withdrawn from the U.S. market, a decade later than from the Japanese market, because of reports of severe permanent brain damage. The acellular vaccine that replaced it is evidently safer, though somewhat less effective.

The risk: benefit ratio varies with the frequency and severity of disease, vaccine safety, and individual patient factors. These must be evaluated by patient and physician, not imposed by a government agency.

Measles is the much-publicized threat used to push for mandates, and is probably the worst threat among the vaccine-preventable illnesses because it is so highly contagious. There are occasional outbreaks, generally starting with an infected individual coming from somewhere outside the U.S. The majority, but by no means all the people who catch the measles have not been vaccinated. Almost all make a full recovery, with robust, life-long immunity. The last measles death in the U.S. occurred in 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Are potential measles complications including death in persons who cannot be vaccinated due to immune deficiency a  justification for revoking the rights of all Americans and establishing a precedent for still greater restrictions on our right to give—or withhold—consent to medical interventions? Clearly not.

Many serious complications have followed MMR vaccination, and are listed in the manufacturers’ package insert, though a causal relationship may not have been proved. According to a 2012 report by the Cochrane Collaboration, “The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate” (cited by the National Vaccine Information Center).

Mandate advocates often assert a need for a 95% immunization rate to achieve herd immunity. However, Mary Holland and Chase Zachary of NYU School of Law argue, in the Oregon Law Review, that because complete herd immunity and measles eradication are unachievable, the better goal is for herd effect and disease control. The best outcome would result, they argue, from informed consent, more open communication, and market-based approaches.

Even disregarding adverse vaccine effects, the results of near-universal vaccination have not been completely positive. Measles, when it does occur, is four to five times worse than in pre-vaccination times, according to Lancet Infectious Diseases, because of the changed age distribution: more adults, whose vaccine-based immunity waned, and more infants, who no longer receive passive immunity from their naturally immune mother to protect them during their most vulnerable period.

Measles is a vexing problem, and more complete, forced vaccination will likely not solve it. Better public health measures—earlier detection, contact tracing, and isolation; a more effective, safer vaccine; or an effective treatment are all needed. Meanwhile, those who choose not to vaccinate now might do so in an outbreak, or they can be isolated. Immunosuppressed patients might choose isolation in any event because vaccinated people can also possibly transmit measles even if not sick themselves.

Issues that Congress must consider:

  • Manufacturers are virtually immune from product liability, so the incentive to develop safer products is much diminished. Manufacturers may even refuse to make available a product believed to be safer, such as monovalent measles vaccine in preference to MMR (measles-mumps-rubella). Consumer refusal is the only incentive to do better.
  • There are enormous conflicts of interest involving lucrative relationships with vaccine purveyors.
  • Research into possible vaccine adverse effects is being quashed, as is dissent by professionals.
  • There are many theoretical mechanisms for adverse effects from vaccines, especially in children with developing brains and immune systems. Note the devastating effects of Zika or rubella virus on developing humans, even though adults may have mild or asymptomatic infections. Many vaccines contain live viruses intended to cause a mild infection. Children’s brains are developing rapidly—any interference with the complex developmental symphony could be ruinous.
  • Vaccines are neither 100% safe nor 100% effective. Nor are they the only available means to control the spread of disease.

AAPS believes that liberty rights are unalienable. Patients and parents have the right to refuse vaccination, although potentially contagious persons can be restricted in their movements (e.g. as with Ebola), as needed to protect others against a clear and present danger. Unvaccinated persons with no exposure to a disease and no evidence of a disease are not a clear or present danger.

AAPS represents thousands of physicians in all specialties nationwide. It was founded in 1943 to protect private medicine and the patient-physician relationship.

Respectfully yours,

Jane M. Orient, M.D., Executive Director
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons


Are you a vegan or do you buy cruelty-free products yet do not question what vaccines are made from and how animals are used?  That’s like being pro-vaccine and pro-life despite aborted human fetal cells in vaccines; you cannot be both without being a hypocrite. This is meant to be eye opening, not offensive. SOURCE:

Heavily pregnant cows are being slaughtered and the blood drained from their unborn calves’ hearts to be sold for export – where it’s used to produce vaccines…  SOURCE:

Animals are horrifically abused for the purpose of creating vaccines, drugs, and other purposes, all over the world. Below is another example:

Monkeys, viruses, and vaccines

By 1960, scientists and vaccine manufacturers knew that monkey kidneys were sewers of simian viruses. Such contamination often spoiled cultures, including those of an NIH researcher named Bernice Eddy, who worked on vaccine safety. In1959, fresh from co-reporting that the mouse polyoma virus could cause cancer in other animals, Eddy tested the rhesus monkey kidney substrate used to make polio vaccine. She injected 154 newborn hamsters with extracts of the cell cultures:109 developed tumours. Next, she ground up three of the tumours and injected the residue into other hamsters.The animals receiving injections from two of the three tumours developed cancer…


Salk kills a marmoset during an experiment

“Like many science centers, the Salk regularly performs research on non-human primates, which are used as a proxy for humans. Such research is particularly common when it comes to exploring the brain, and has been used in the development of therapeutic drugs.


If you think only rats, hamsters, cows, and monkeys are used (as if that isn’t sad enough), think again. Dog kidney cells are used in flu vaccines, and both dog & cat cells are used in animal vaccines, which also pose serious risks to pets and humans alike due to contamination with retroviruses.

In vitro assessment of the allergenicity of a novel influenza vaccine produced in dog kidney cells in individuals with dog allergy.

I burst into tears and felt like I was going to collapse watching those videos, imagine what goes on in medical research labs that isn’t publicized; but, people will still trust and defend the pharmaceutical industry above our children’s health, much less, the innocent animals captured or bred for “research” that are horrifically tortured then discarded like trash.  TO THE PRO-VACCINE ZEALOTS, FIND OUT HOW VACCINES AND PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS ARE MADE AND STOP DOING PHARMA’S BIDDING, THEY HAVE ENOUGH SOULLESS SHILLS ALREADY.


This is well documented, so then WHY aren’t we questioning vaccine safety, but, instead, playing into the divisive “debate” that has been intentionally provoked to suppress awareness of these serious safety issues? This is the same pharmaceutical industry that solely profits from disease, so WHY are we trusting them with our “health”? That’s absolute insanity.

Polio Vaccine Exposed 98 Million People to Cancer
PubMed Link: Cancer risk associated with simian virus 40 contaminated polio vaccine.

How ignorant would we be to ‘not’ question vaccine safety with a history like this and the fact that it’s man-made substances subject to error by an industry exempt from liability with both internal and external financial conflicts of interest?

International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nano-Contamination

Volume 4 Issue 1 – 2017

Corresponding author: Dr. Antonietta Gatti, National Council of Research of Italy, c/o Nanodiagnostics Via E. Fermi, 1/L, 41057 San Vito (MO), Italy, Tel: 059798778; Received: November 30, 2016 Published: January 23, 2017

EXCERPT: “Side effects have always been reported but in the latest years it seems that they have increased in number and seriousness, particularly in children as the American Academy of pediatrics reports [1,2]. For instance, the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP) vaccine was linked to cases of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) [3]; measles-mumps-rubella vaccine with autism [4,5]; multiple immunizations with immune disorders [6]; hepatitis B vaccines with multiple sclerosis, etc.”



HPV Vaccine 1

Documentary from 2017 about the serious debilitating risks of the fast tracked and rubber stamped HPV vaccine: SACRIFICIAL VIRGINS THE DANGERS OF THE HPV VACCINE

Heartbreaking debilitating illnesses and death are a direct result of the HPV vaccine.

Deborah Sullivan is an RN whose two daughters were both injured after receiving the HPV vaccine:

Pharmaceutical Companies’ Role in State Vaccination Policymaking: The Case of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination

“Objectives. We sought to investigate roles that Merck & Co Inc played in state human papillomavirus (HPV) immunization policymaking, to elicit key stakeholders’ perceptions of the appropriateness of these activities, and to explore implications for relationships between health policymakers and industry.

Methods. We used a series of state case studies combining data from key informant interviews with analysis of media reports and archival materials. We interviewed 73 key informants in 6 states that were actively engaged in HPV vaccine policy deliberations.

Results. Merck promoted school-entry mandate legislation by serving as an information resource, lobbying legislators, drafting legislation, mobilizing female legislators and physician organizations, conducting consumer marketing campaigns, and filling gaps in access to the vaccine. Legislators relied heavily on Merck for scientific information. Most stakeholders found lobbying by vaccine manufacturers acceptable in principle, but perceived that Merck had acted too aggressively and nontransparently in this case.”


Pharmaceutical purveyors still claim MERCURY was “safe” in childhood vaccines despite unbiased reports indicating otherwise

Publication Cover

A Case Series of Children with Apparent Mercury Toxic Encephalopathies Manifesting with Clinical Symptoms of Regressive Autistic Disorders

“Based upon differential diagnoses, 8 of 9 patients examined were exposed to significant mercury from Thimerosal-containing biologic/vaccine preparations during their fetal/infant developmental periods, and subsequently, between 12 and 24 mo of age, these previously normally developing children suffered mercury toxic encephalopathies that manifested with clinical symptoms consistent with regressive ASDs. Evidence for mercury intoxication should be considered in the differential diagnosis as contributing to some regressive ASDs“.


Adjuvants and preservatives in vaccines pose risk for AUTISM and auto-immune disease

J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2011;74(14):903-16. doi: 10.1080/15287394.2011.573736.

A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population.

A positive and statistically significant relationship was found: The higher the proportion of children receiving recommended vaccinations, the higher was the prevalence of AUT or SLI. A 1% increase in vaccination was associated with an additional 680 children having AUT or SLI. Neither parental behavior nor access to care affected the results, since vaccination proportions were not significantly related (statistically) to any other disability or to the number of pediatricians in a U.S. state. The results suggest that although mercury has been removed from many vaccines, other culprits may link vaccines to autism. Further study into the relationship between vaccines and autism is warranted.


Trace Amounts: Ethyl Mercury | Educational Documentary

This important documentary has been censored and removed by industry funded youtube, here is a Bitchute link: Trace Amounts, Autism, Mercury and The Hidden Truth

Glyphosate In Childhood Vaccines


Argentina’s New Vaccine Law is a Blueprint for American Real ID

Colombian law 1626 was introduced in 2013. Bureaucratic language approved by a handful of senators established that HPV vaccination was “free and mandatory.” What followed was widespread injuries to girls who received an HPV shot which was never safety tested against a saline placebo and includes a scientifically problematic and controversial aluminum adjuvant. The authorities and health officials in the country deemed that any and all serious side effects experienced after the HPV vaccine were part of mass hysteria collectively experienced by the teenage girls. A ‘blame the victim’ stance was also implemented by health authorities in Ireland, Denmark, Japan, and other countries whose HPV vaccine rollout triggered massive injuries to teenage girls. Communities, such as Carmen de Bolívar, were torn apart by the injuries as the girls were left to suffer by a callous and complacent Colombian medical community.

In mid-December of 2018 Argentina unanimously passed its vaccine law through both cambers of congress without debate, political discussion and seeing just one negative vote against it. Learning nothing from the ongoing Colombian HPV issues, the new Argentinian law forces their entire 20 vaccine schedule upon its population of both children and adults. Using nearly identical talking points as seen in Colombia, the Argentinian bill’s author Dr. Pablo Yedlin boasted on Twitter, “They [vaccines] are free, they are your right and your obligation”

The law is perhaps the most overarching example seen to date of how invasive a government can become by forcing a medical intervention [vaccines] with questionable safety profiles onto its people. The recently approved law indicates “certification of compliance with the National Vaccination Calendar must be required” including for passports, driver’s licenses and National Identity Documents (DNI)…

Read more here:

Recent news about military personnel aboard a warship who came down with mumps symptoms despite having been previously vaccinated.

US warship quarantined at sea due to virus outbreak

March 13, 2019

“All seven hundred and three military personnel aboard the ship have received measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) booster vaccinations according to the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet headquartered in Bahrain.”

CNN Link:

(Booster as in they ALL had been previously vaccinated with the MMR, including those aboard that contracted the virus and were suppose to have been immune, further revealing that vaccines do not protect us as we are continually told by pharmaceutical manufacturer’s marketing machine spending 30 billion dollars on advertising to dominate mainstream media and make lifelong customers. The pharmaceutical industry that profits solely from disease has nothing to gain from health).

Meehan MD on the Poor Science of the Recent Danish “MMR Autism Study” 2019 03 06

Dr. Jim Meehan clarifies the flawed science and names the criminal author on the FBI’s “10 Most Wanted List” who contributed to the industry funded fraudulent “Danish MMR Autism Study” that suddenly dominated mainstream media as an obvious ploy to dupe the public and fuel vaccine mandates.  Thank you Dr. Meehan, your integrity and concern for humanity is greatly appreciated. Published on March 6, 2019:

Immunity, Infectious Disease, and Vaccination – By Researcher Raymond Obomsawin, PhD

“Why do vaccines pose serious physical, mental, and behavioral dangers in humans? Get a historical overview of human attempts to create immunity artificially via vaccination and explore the issues surrounding these artificial attempts to protect human health August 2011.” Presentation published on Aug 21, 2013:

Despite ongoing attempts to discredit Producer and Journalist Del Bigtree, none of the astroturfers that are hired to attack his character could refute even one thing he stated in his lecture questioning vaccine safety and pointing out that America’s children are the sickest in the world despite having the best doctors and medical care available.  Social media shills (a.k.a. “trolls”) do no research; they’re hired as “trolls” to regurgitate marketing propaganda from a script disregarding of any references provided, as they are paid to insult, deceive, distract, and divide.

Veteran investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson expains how astroturf and fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, pharmaceutical, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages, as is prevalent in social media today.

So, if all of the above isn’t enough to convince people to question vaccine safety, then let me make this personal. My experience with vaccines, and subsequent need for research it caused, is that the swine flu vaccine (H1N1 vaccine) my daughter and I had in 2009 was made by Medimmune a.k.a. Astrazeneca (also associated with Merck), a pharmaceutical corporation specializing in AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASE. The H1N1 vaccine caused auto-immune disease in my daughter and I, that we are suffering from TO THIS DAY, conditions we did NOT previously have and that prior medicals records prove. It is also exempt from liability.

We become sicker as the years roll by, especially my beautiful daughter who was once a vibrant and energetic girl, barely has the energy to leave her room now, and whose health is deteriorating with serious Lupus symptoms before my very eyes, and breaks my heart, despite organic food & living a healthy lifestyle as best we can. She is underweight, sick, and there isn’t anything I can do about it, except post information to help prevent other parents from making the same mistake.

PLEASE do not let anyone convince you that vaccines are for public health, they are NOT. They are a clever way for vaccine manufacturers to profit at the expense of your health making trillions more money off their medications that treat the illnesses their vaccines cause.  They are now attempting to mandate vaccines stripping you of your parental right to choose, and forcing vaccines regardless of religious or medical exemptions, which is a Nuremberg Code violation as well.

Despite the glaring conflicts of interest, both financial and otherwise, people still want to “believe” vaccines are for “public health” since that’s what they say to market their products at the expense of YOUR children’s health. I once believed that “vaccines protect our health” and was proven wrong.

Please don’t learn the hard way like I did and make the most regrettable mistake of your child’s life. I wish I had been an “anti-vaxxer” then my daughter wouldn’t be suffering right now.

To the shills and the stubborn, go get the Swine Flu (H1N1) Vaccine, Tuberculosis (BCG) Vaccine, HepB Vaccine, MMR, HPV Vaccine along with any other combination vaccines, then report back after a few months on how you’re doing, until then, stfu since you’ve sold out humanity for a measly paycheck or pure ignorance, with complete disrespect towards the parents of vaccine injured children, this includes ALL pro-vaccine profiteers (from doctors to lawmakers to mainstream media), and social media shills who are hired to attack awareness posts, and the unwitting pro-vaccine zealots whom they’ve duped, one day, you will ALL be held accountable for your role as accomplices to these crimes against humanity.

Rebel Siren

Unity ALL Life


Is there another agenda besides future pharmaceutical profits? According to Malaysian Prime Minister who spoke at the NWO world conference in 2015 about the global population control agenda, there is serious cause for concern.

David Martin PhD speaks about coronavirus patents and the deception–Know-the-risks-and-failures-.aspx

Dr, Chris Exley shares his research on the toxicity of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines

Facebook Violates Its Own Community Standards Allowing Rampant Cyberstalking & Harassment Of Activists

Facebook Violates Its Own Community Standards Allowing Rampant Cyberstalking & Harassment Of Activists


Friend or faux?

Despite facebook’s rigidly enforced real name policy, there are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of fake profiles & pages created by sock puppets, (shills; hired infiltrators, TROLLS), that are allowed to remain on facebook to harass people.

Shills create fake pages to impersonate activists, gang-stalk report activists, and spread disinformation as an attempt to influence public perception, also to prevent public outcry for the corporations they shill for.  Even after multiple reports by honest people that alert facebook to the problem, the shills (trolls) are allowed to remain; while activists using legitimate pen names, such as Rebel Siren, as well as other people using alternate names for various reasons such as personal safety or a nickname they’ve gone by their entire lives, immediately get suspended.

Facebook’s “real name” policy is supposedly designed to prevent “bad behavior“, such as dishonesty and deception; which is not an issue with good people no matter what their name, especially well meaning activists seeking to raise awareness and share information for a safer, healthier world! The bottom line is, disinformation shills a.k.a. trolls are exploiting facebook’s real name policy and getting away with it.

Oh, the irony!

Instead of agreeing to conduct a proper investigation, facebook merely suspends/removes activists’ profiles while allowing the disinformation shills whose mission it is to target and harass activists, a.k.a. cyber-stalking, to run rampant attacking honest people. “Bad behavior” as defined by using “fake names” according to facebook policy, is most definitely an issue with the disinformation shills a.k.a. trolls who routinely exhibit the worst of it on social media, yet are allowed to remain and run rampant with whatever names they use, whether fake or “real”.

The trolls are allowed to continue with relentless cyber-bullying and harassment, despite multiple reports made on them. How difficult is it to get a profile suspended by reporting it? For activists, it’s nearly impossible. We report those that target and harass us repeatedly, without success, always with the same message, it “does not violate facebook’s community standards”. For the trolls, it seems easy, they make one report and it’s down that day, but why is that? What do the trolls have that honest people don’t? Corporate backing? Unlimited funding? An insider-facebook aide abusing their job to assist them? We can only speculate.

The disinformation shills a.k.a. TROLLS chose to sell out humanity in favor of dirty energy, Monsanto/GMOs, geoengineering, fracking, vaccines, false flag deceit, and the list goes on, hired as “forum posters” by corporate contracted public relations companies, creating profiles for the sole purpose of perpetuating corporate deceit by targeting and harassing outspoken activists, yet these trolls are allowed to remain unchecked on facebook (and youtube), while decent people trying to make a difference get raked over the coals. As outlined in Dispelling Internet Disinformation Tactics – Debunking The Debunkers the tactics used by these fake profiles & pages are indeed relentless forms of cyberstalking & harassment that clearly falls into the category of “bad behavior”. So then, why would facebook enforce its “real name” policy, yet allow truly fake profiles/pages to continue harassing people? (Hence, the nickname, “fakebook“).

For example, there were FAKE “Rebel Siren” pages that have been reported SEVERAL times and others, as well as having been banned from the real Rebel Siren page. The FAKE “Rebel Siren” pages had been created by disinformation shills a.k.a. TROLLS, for the purpose of harassing and impersonating, in an attempt to discredit & “destroy the reputation of”, also known as the tactic of “character assassination“.

The trolls that had created FAKE “Rebel Siren” pages used unauthorized copies of Rebel Siren’s real profile picture and cover photo, and went so far as to mirror posts to confuse & trick people. The fake pages have only known trolls with fake profiles themselves “liking” it, except for some people that had been deceived.

Trolls with fake names such as “Randall Flagga Stephen King character (see end). Not only is it FAKE, it’s a copyright violation, yet “Randall Flagg” has been allowed to run free on facebook harassing activists, despite being reported multiple times: The CULT – Jim Jones’ disciples had nothing on these facebook trolls. Even more frustrating, the FAKE “Rebel Sirens” remained on facebook, while the legitimate Rebel Siren profile was indefinitely suspended; further meaning that the REAL page, Rebel Siren, was left vulnerable to troll attacks, such as by a TROLL illegally using the copyrighted Muppet characterBeaker (a “page” with 2 likes, not the official Muppet page), an OBVIOUS fake (been since deleted).

ALL troll attacks on the real Rebel Siren page including disparaging memes, insults, name calling, ridicule, and general harassment during the time of profile suspension at the date of this blog, had been cataloged to be used as further EVIDENCE against “fakebook” for allowing such shillidiocy, cyberstalking, and harassment to run unchecked.

Facebook seems to willingly allow FAKE troll profiles/pages to run amok, yet immediately suspends real profiles based solely on “name” regardless of the truth, and failing to take into account post & comment history.

It is highly irresponsible of facebook to enforce its “real name” policy, and suspend profiles with no investigation into the facts, as well as blatantly disregarding potential consequences of forcing people to use legal names, opening them up to identity theft, in-person harassment, and possibly bodily harm from unbalanced obsessive stalkers, and in some cases where domestic violence was a factor, stalking and abuse from ex husbands or boyfriends. It also makes facebook liable.

Troll attacks happened on Rebel Siren’s page during the time of suspension such as a troll using a fake name, “Beaker”. It was reported via screenshot and email to facebook in detail, yet they had refused to acknowledge it, while Rebel Siren’s profile continued to remain suspended, and every new Rebel Siren profile got suspended also. What gives?

Clearly, facebook violates its own “community standard” by allowing such things as a heartbreakingsnuff video” of kitten torture (highly disturbing video of two psychopathic deviates torturing an innocent kitten, dousing it with lighter fluid,  setting it on fire, then murdering it, too heinous to include in this article), various other shameful animal abuse and inappropriate psychopathic content.

Facebook routinely allows FAKES (such as known disinformation shills) to run rampant, while suspending real people using other names. For example, in the news recently, the LGBT community recently received an apology by facebook recently for attempting to force them to use their “real names” after some homophobic hater, (probably using a fake name himself), reported them. The LGBT community didn’t just bend over and take it, they spoke up and started a petition at collecting 35,000 signatures, giving rise to the apology from facebook’s Cox:

Facebook apologizes to LGBT community over ‘real’ name policy Source: Facebook has long required its users to go by their “real names” on the site for security purposes, to stand out from other social networks and so it can better target advertising to people. Now, the company says the spirit of its policy doesn’t mean a person’s legal name but “the authentic name they use in real life.

This begs the question, isn’t it blatant discrimination to allow some users to go ahead and use “other” names, while forcing the rest of us to submit legal identification and use “real names” despite the fact that we are known for our pen names, nicknames, maiden names, stage names, and business names? Even with all the recent controversy, discrimination, and overall unfairness of facebook’s so called “real name” policy and the public apologies to the LGBT community publicized in the news recently; Rebel Siren, author and advocate for humanity, remained disallowed to use a legitimate, proven PEN NAME on the profile.

Instead of further pursuing the matter with low level employees named, “Arnold” and “Barry” that were virtually unresponsive; only capable of generic responses, refusing to investigate and failing to honor several written requests to be routed to facebook’s legal department. “Fakebook’s” duplicitous actions are being exposed in this article with hopes it will raise awareness about the ongoing dissonance with facebook’s ever-changing user-unfriendly “policies” and generate a more positive outcome for everyone that’s forced to deal with this utter absurdity. Since the initial date of this article, facebook’s legal department has been contacted and apprised of the situation, including being cc’d on all future correspondence regarding this serious issue of rampant cyberbulling of activists.

What motivates facebook to allow rampant harassment by obvious fake profiles/pages (whether it looks like a “real name” or not), yet take readily “suspend” those of us that actually care about life and the world we live in and speak up in hopes of making a difference? Obviously, there is money involved. Why would facebook admit to such blatant discrimination by publicly apologizing to the LGBT community that’s been all over the news agreeing to allow them to use their “stage names”, yet blatantly IGNORE everyone else, including those of us seeking to raise awareness about global issues that affects all life on this planet?

If facebook allows one group of people to use other names, (such as the LGBT community), then facebook must allow everyone to do so, otherwise it’s pure discrimination, unfair to all users, not to mention that their “real name” policy is proving to be an epic fail, and that is only ONE element to this complex issue, there is also an issue of SAFETY. Facebook is jeopardizing activist’s safety, as well as other people whose safety may be at risk if they use their “real names”. Is facebook “bought” by corporate interests, or holding to an inept policy, or BOTH?

Obviously, “names”, whether fake OR real, do not keep cyberbullying off of facebook. Why does facebook choose to perpetuate cyberbullying by honoring the reports of known trolls that target and relentlessly harass activists, yet ignore the reports and pleas of real people that are trying to make a difference? Is there justice in allowing cyberbullies with fake profiles & pages to run rampant, but honest people to get the boot simply based on the fact that they had been targeted & reported by cyberbullies? What is facebook’s policy about disclosing the reports and investigating those that do the reporting to see if they are hiding anything or on a revenge mission? Will it take legal action to get this out into the open?

Meanwhile, perhaps facebook should reevaluate its inefficient, generic “policies” and come up with a better way of identifying truly fake profiles that are actual cyberbullies, such as an investigatory overview of comment and posting history (which was requested in writing several times), rather than focusing solely on “names”. It is evident that examining someone’s ACTUAL behavior on facebook would be a much better gauge of WHO they are than simply what their “name” happens to be. Honestly, and quite ironically, using the pen name Rebel Siren, allows this author to be more professional and objective in posts & comments on facebook. If forced to use a given name, posts would be much more emotional and unrestrained, just as they were prior to using pen name only. Certainly seems like a backfire waiting to happen, eh facebook? For those of us with common sense and the ability for critical thinking, let’s examine the growing problem of rampant, widespread cyberbullies in more detail:

Technology’s progression is often equated with the advancement of human societies. Pivotal innovations, such as the Internet, have forever changed how people interact. Though these developments have allowed the human race to make great strides in many fields, they have also allowed forms of transgression to become more rampant and widespread. This is evident when considering how traditional bullying has evolved into an issue today known as cyberbullying. While bullying and cyberbullying are often similar in terms of form and technique they also have many differences. Unlike traditional bullying, cyberbullying allows the offender to mask his or her identity behind a computer. This anonymity makes it easier for the offender to strike blows against a victim without having to see the victim’s physical response. The distancing effect that technological devices have on today’s youth often leads them to say and do crueler things compared to what is typical in a traditional face-to-face bullying situation. Source:

Let’s take a look at another negative situation facebook has brought upon itself due to its irresponsible, revolving door policies and ongoing privacy infringement.

An Austrian law student says more than 17,000 people have signed up to join his class action lawsuit against Facebook over the social media group’s alleged violations of its users’ privacy. Twenty-six year-old Max Schrems appealed last week to a billion Facebook users to join a claim he filed in Vienna. – Source:

Upon further investigation into facebook faux pas, we discover that “real names” can cause even bigger problems on “fakebook”. Facebook further contradicted its  “real name” policy, violating its own “community standards”,  by allowing the DEA to create a fake profile of a woman they busted to try to bait and lure her friends and family, without their knowledge. Hm, isn’t that “entrapment”? Isn’t entrapment illegal? Facebook, a lot of good your so called “real name” policy did in that circumstance. That was a real name alright, but still a FAKE, despite “proper id” which law enforcement officers, government officials, and even common crooks, can easily gain access to. Can you say, “backfire“?

DEA Impersonated Woman, Set Up Fake Facebook Page, Posted Photos From Her Seized Phone To Make It Look Real Chris Hamby, over at Buzzfeed, has an incredible and crazy story about the DEA impersonating a woman, creating a fake facebook profile without her knowledge or permission, and posting photos from her seized cell phone, all in order to try to get information from others. The specifics involve a woman, Sondra “Sosa” Arquiett, who was apparently the girlfriend of Jermaine Branford, a guy who was accused of (and eventually pleaded guilty to) drug trafficking. Arquiett was a minor player, charged with basically allowing Branford to use her apartment for storing and processing the cocaine he was trafficking. Arquiett was eventually sentenced to probation. Where this gets interesting, however, is that Arquiett has now filed a civil suit against the US and DEA agent Timothy Sinnigen, who allegedly set up the fake facebook account. Source:

As if those situations aren’t revealing enough, facebook recently disclosed its purchase of an Aerospace company, U.K.-based Ascenta for its globe-spanning Internet plans and use of solar powered DRONES. Drones? For the purpose of providing internet to remote parts of the globe at “low cost”? What if natives in remote regions have no way to prove their “real name”, facebook? Clearly, “fakebook” has its priorities straight. Why not just put that effort into something people in remote regions can really use, such as FOOD, SHELTER, and CLEAN WATER. Or, advocate for sustainable agriculture and clean skies? Or anything that benefits humanity? The future sustainability of the planet? Nourish underprivileged children? Technology to create a cleaner environment? ANYTHING other than another way to make more useless dollars, contributing to the demise of global society.

A Socially Irresponsible Social Network | Business Line

Take a look around at what our world is becoming and the rise in conditions such as autism, alzheimers, cancers, autoimmune disorders and various other ailments that can be directly attributed to the toxicity in our food system, water, medicine, vaccines, and AIR and for what? Corporate profit? It’s sad to see such destruction being perpetuated by those that have no idea what they’re really doing due to the fact that they themselves are adversely affected by vaccines, GMOs, herbicides, pesticides, and other toxins abundant in our atmosphere by corporations that put profit above our health and sustainability of the planet. We are conditioned from birth to accept the system. It makes me wonder if humanity is a thing of the past or a never-was? Our “technology” has far surpassed our wisdom and will surely be the demise of our species.

Facebook thumbs DOWN

The following are only a few “fakebook” users on the growing list of known TROLL profiles/pages that facebook allows to run free, cyberstalk and harass activists, violating its own community standards and highly irresponsible “real name” policy, many of whom are still there despite multiple reports:

Rusty Tanner (to harass activist Russ Tanner), facebook id#  1529571003924184


Khan Trayles, (pronounced “contrails”) facebook id# 100008370794331

We Love GMOS and Vaccines, facebook id#1380693538867364

Captain Carl the Chemtrail Pilot, facebook id# 244247085785036 (this offending shill page remains up harassing people)

Jay Uzinato, facebook id# 1662205672

Reschekle Berglesteinowitz, facebook id# 100008246919631

Yuri Zephyros, facebook id# 100004839065506

Portia Plantago-Lanceolata, facebook id# 100006534365399

Randall Flagg (copyright violating troll), facebook id# 100008244554284

Danni Bannanni, facebook id# 1449245650

Eman Sugob, (“Name Bogus” spelled backwards) facebook id# 100007374608251

Bob Solo, facebook id#100003622144034

10/16/15 UPDATE – finally removed after months of contact with facebook’s legal department – FAKE “Rebel Siren – Public Figure” facebook id#1530415123861880 (to harass real author/activist Rebel Siren)

Update, finally got removed after SEVERAL MONTHS of emailing facebook’s legal department – FAKE “Rebel Siren – Exposing Corruption and Crimes Against Humanity” facebook id#559789960831840 (shill page created to harass author/activist Rebel Siren by “mirroring” the REAL page)

Peter WiganPete Greenall, facebook id# 100008201523866

Madisondrugs Loon, (to harass activist Madisonstar Moon) facebook id# 256567904530799 (this fake page was literally up for YEARS before finally being removed)

Plus HUNDREDS MORE fake shill pages and profiles remain up harassing people.

Trolls on Russ Tanner page

Madisonstar Moon’s profile & page routinely gets attacked and banned, as well as specific content often gets removed for “violating facebook’s community standards” for no valid reason. It’s completely senseless to allow the cyberstalking disinformation trolls to run rampant and allow their hateful, antagonistic pages, posts, and comments, while removing activist’s profiles, pages that are clearly not “violations”. See video below for yet another example of “fakebook’s” blatant discrimination siding with cyberstalkers. Activists are being targeted, attacked, harassed, and bullied by trolls with obvious fake pages such as, “Madisondrugs Loon” (for example, above it is accusing well known activist, Russ Tanner of being what it is; a criminal against humanity).

This is the kind of thing we’re up against as activists every day that we dare to speak up and share information, to be victimized by rampant shill-idiocy plaguing our social media forums, running wild on “fakebook“, with facebook’s consent.

Madisondrugs Loon” had been reported over and over by every activist that knew about it, yet continued to run freely harassing activists & cyberstalking the real Madisonstar Moon, before finally disappearing. Below, “Paid Shill“, speaks for itself and was on facebook also for YEARS before finally being removed, while activist’s profiles & pages continue to be violated and placed on suspension for a variety of bogus reasons.  If you come up against troll profiles using fake names such as the one below, report them for using fake names and see how long it takes facebook to take appropriate action, if ever.

This is the kind of thing we're up against as activists, rampant shill-idiocy and no help from
Click photo above for Huffpost Tech article by Sam Fiorella, “Exposing Cyber Shills and Social Media’s Underworld“.

Disconnecting people from family, friends, and fellow activists, deleting all of the work we’ve done to raise awareness & share information on your forum, leaving our pages unattended without a profile to admin it, vulnerable to more troll attacks, only proves the point and makes activists stronger. But, you know what it makes facebook? Part of the problem.

Facebook faces criticism over its privacy policy – CNET

Facebook faces criticism amid claims it breached ethical guidelines

Facebook responds to criticism of its experiment on users

Criticism of Facebook – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BBC News – Facebook emotion experiment sparks criticism

Facebook facing suit over private messages – Jan. 3, 2014

Facebook Lawsuit – Huffington Post

17,000 join Facebook class action lawsuit – Orlando

Student launches Facebook lawsuit over privacy concerns

Facebook Obtained Nearly $2 Billion From Legal Judgments Against Spammers

Trolls Gone Wild – A Mini-Doc by Madison Star Moon

In the continuing series of articles exposing trolls/shills/cyberbullies, introducing activist Madison Star Moon’s mini-doc appropriately titled, “Trolls Gone Wild”. Well done, Madison Star Moon!

If WE (all people of the world) care about the future sustainability of this planet and all life on it, then we absolutely MUST wake up to global climate engineering and recognize it as the polluting REALITY that it IS.

There are four honest mentalities regarding geoengineering:

1) AGAINST (activists who CARE about life-nature-planet-future)

2) FOR (“debunkers” & the corp/gov/biotech/geoengineering/dirty energy profiteers funding them)

3) APATHETIC (too self centered to notice or care either way)

4) STATUS QUO (the masses of groupthink/herd mentality duped by the disinformation campaign remaining in a vehement state of denial unwittingly doing its bidding).

Council on Foreign Relations Unilateral Planetary Scale Geoengineering 2008 Briefing Notes, since it IS a reality:

If we question WHY disinformation is so rampant in social media, targeting those increasing awareness attempting to assassinate their character to discredit their efforts, the answer is clear, it’s a strategic attack to purposely suppress awareness and prevent outcry because “an ignorant public is a compliant public”.

Visit our other articles about social media trolls to learn more:

prop•a•gan•da, präpəˈgandə/noun
1. derogatory information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view; “he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda”. Synonyms: information, promotion, advertising, publicity, spin; disinformation, counter-information; historical agitprop; informal info, hype, plugging; puff piece; the big lie “the prophetic novel is about a government that controls the masses by spreading propaganda”; the dissemination of propaganda as a political strategy: “the party’s leaders believed that a long period of education and propaganda would be necessary”.


Scientist, Family Man, and Facebook Troll?…

Scientist, Family Man, and Facebook Troll?…

Neil Penn Facebook Profile

Meet Neil Pennington a.k.a. Neil Penn, Scientist, Family Man…  Troll.

Neil Pennington wears many hats, one of which is an active “troll” on facebook by way of a separate account with a shortened version of his name “Neil Penn”. In fact, “Neil Penn” happens to be on a list of known offenders that go around targeting people & awareness groups that he and his denier cult cronies “disagree” with, attempting to bait honest people into a debate to “prove them wrong”, disrespecting others’ right to share information; as well as, slandering leaders in the awareness movement using classic “character assassination” tactics attempting to “discredit” them in order to cast doubt on harmful aerial spraying happening globally. Why anyone would waste valuable time harassing people on facebook?

Well, it turns out that Neil Pennington is, in fact, a purveyor of dirty, unsustainable, profit-over-people, industrial activity since he profits from performing acoustic assessments for mining (coal,/gold), fracking, drilling, etc.; given this, it’s no surprise that he is a dirty energy troll/pro-geoengineering advocate, but what IS a surprise, is the amount of time he spends on facebook seeking out and attacking others. Neil, business owner and father of three, where DOES he find the time?

Below is a disallowed comment “Neil Penn” made on our article: The Cult – Jim Jones’ disciples had nothing on these guys Again, why a “professional scientist” continues to resort to this level of immaturity, or find the time? The last line of the comment he wrote below is slightly amusing, yet disturbing that this man has any kind of clout in the world. Judging by his comment, as well as his unrelenting troll attacks on facebook, it appears that Mr. Pennington failed to learn socially acceptable graces during his vast “education”. This begs the question, if along with his GPA, his behavior was also a factor in why it took him so long to finally get his BS degree? This man serves as a classic example that education is not the same as intelligence.

While viewing the screenshot below, keep in mind that our “cult” article made absolutely NO reference whatsoever of “the scientific community being a cult”. To clarify, science isn’t the problem, irresponsible pseudo-science that puts profit above sustainability of the planet, is a catastrophic problem on a global scale; yet, the focus of our article is to raise awareness of the strategic troll attacks rampant on social media by the DENIER CULT (trolls/shills/brainwashed-masses) spouting text-speak about “contrail formation” disregarding actual scientific data relating to climate engineering, weather modification, or any other reality based information. Trolls demand “evidence”, then reject it when it’s presented.

Notice how Neil Penn refers to geoengineering as “the chemtrail hoax”, twisting it around in classic troll fashion. The term “shill” and “troll” are interchangeable, especially in his case. It’s too bad that Neil Penn is a willful accomplice to crimes against humanity, other than that, judging by the playful nature of his comment, he seems like a relatively fun guy. Anyone that’s an avid Monty Python fan can’t be all bad… can they? Let’s take a look.


According to his IP location, (a matter of public record), Neil Penn is based near Sydney, Australia, capital of New South Wales, not far from Newcastle, coincidentally, so is Neil Pennington, who often condescendingly boasts about his vast education and being a hot shot business owner. Where does Neil find the time for such rampant troll activity? Most educated people that own businesses are far too busy providing for their families to create fake accounts and go around harassing others on social media. If we examine Neil “Penn” a bit closer, we find that he seems to have nothing but time to devote to harassing others, rather than to his family. He created a (subsequently removed) facebook “fraudster” page that targeted an anti-geoengineering leader, as well as contributing to several other known fake pages.

Why do these “trolls” purposely seek out, target and attack others with whom they disagree? Who in their right minds operates like that? If you thought someone was a conspiracy nutter would anyone waste their valuable time seeking others out just to try to prove them wrong? Neil Penn and his accomplices exhibit blatant discrimination that should not be tolerated in social media forums.

The answer as to WHY becomes clear when we analyse their strategy (political tactics), motivation (purveyors of dirty, unsustainable science/paid forum poster shills/brainwashed deniers), and personality type (narcissistic disorder). AND

Spectrum Acoustics Pty Ltd

Neil Pennington’s public facebook profile below:
(excluding the public profile photo at the time of this publishing of his three beautiful children in the pool).

Neil Pennington Facebook Page

Below is “Neil Penn’s” facebook profile. Nice deep BLUE sky, Neil, photoshop much? Where do skies exist on the globe look like this anymore? Not where any of us live, that’s for sure, even if it starts out blue, within a couple of hours, is COVERED in persisting, spreading, lingering, sprayed HAZE. Could it be that this beautiful photoshopped sky helps prove his far-fetched point that global climate engineering isn’t happening on any level, including experimentation?

According to Neil Penn and the rest of the denier cult “debunkers”, experimentation isn’t possible, has never, nor ever will, happen; despite the fact that experimentation is how science works. Anyone that has ever taken basic science in school, knows that experimentation is the essential element to any scientific project, this includes climate engineering. These trolls constantly speak of “science”, yet provide NONE, with the exception of regurgitating contrail formation text-speak inapplicable to what we observe in our global skies. What do YOUR skies look like in your part of the globe?

Neil Penn Facebook Profile

Neil Penn and pals target anyone and everyone that they believe has any influence raising awareness. They seek out and strategically attack their intended targets, opting to kick people when they’re down, often resorting to making things up if they can’t find anything else to exploit and pick on; is that their “job” perhaps? Either way, these narcissistic, psychotic trolls openly exhibit classic bully mentality with the maturity level of a twelve year old. Neil Penn is known for his insults, name calling, and general low level troll behavior you wouldn’t expect from an “educated business owner”, unless of course, he’s a raging sociopath with too much time on his hands.

A couple of Mr. Pennington’s projects that are of public record. I wonder if Australian environmental groups were too keen on these?

Dargues Reef Gold Mine, New South Wales (NSW)

Looks like there have been some serious environmental issues regarding the Dargues project:

Dargues Gold Mine 3rd Modification Majors Creek NSW (Coastwatchers)

Dargues Reef Gold Mine Modification 3 – Impacts on Species

Apparently, business is slow for Neil Penn(ington) and why he spends so much time internet trolling. Does he realise this is a prosecutable offence?

Lord Neil Pennington
Lord Neil Pennington

Primary definition of the word, “propaganda“:
prop•a•gan•da, präpəˈgandə/noun
1. derogatory information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view; “he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda”. Synonyms: information, promotion, advertising, publicity, spin; disinformation, counter-information; historical agitprop; informal info, hype, plugging; puff piece; the big lie “the prophetic novel is about a government that controls the masses by spreading propaganda”; the dissemination of propaganda as a political strategy: “the party’s leaders believed that a long period of education and propaganda would be necessary”.


Photo Credit: Monty Python Life of Brian.

NP the mud covered prophet
If the mud fits…


Featured Image Source:

Hook, Line, and STINKER – Can You Smell The Disinformation Bait?

Hook, Line, & STINKER – Can You Smell The Disinformation Bait?

Climate Engineering, weather modification and weather warfare is more of a reality than you may think. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the profiteers of such programs would spend big money and go to great lengths to keep the public in the dark by way of propaganda to prevent public outcry that would be the only thing to have the power to put an end to their profitable but destructive programs. That said, is anyone else suspicious of the viral video, “BUSTED Pilot Forgets To Turn Off Chemtrails While Landing” below? Or am I the only one that smells the disinformation bait?

Whether the video of the “busted pilot forgetting to turn off chemtrails while landing” is real or not is irrelevant since it clearly has been used as a setup for a “debunking” attack. Considering that the disinformation campaign has successfully turned the word “chemtrails” into a trigger word, labeling anyone who questions the official narrative a conspiracy theorist, purposely associating such a label with Bigfoot, aliens, “moon hoax”, etc., these notorious “debunkers”, (disinformation shills associated with the two notorious junk sites ran by gaming programmer, Mick West), seemed to have “debunked” the video before it even came out, and that smells fishy. See excerpt below and click orange link for full article about how the CIA coined the term “conspiracy theorist” to control mass perception:

The CIA Coined the Term Conspiracy Theorist In 1967

Specifically, in April 1967, the CIA wrote a dispatch which coined the term “conspiracy theories” … and recommended methods for discrediting such theories.  The dispatch was marked “psych” –  short for “psychological operations(a.k.a. psyops) or disinformation –  and “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit. The dispatch was produced in responses to a Freedom of Information Act request by the New York Times in 1976.

The dispatch states:

2. This trend of opinion is a matter of concern to the U.S. government, including our organization.

The aim of this dispatch is to provide material countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries. Background information is supplied in a classified section and in a number of unclassified attachments.

3. Action. We do not recommend that discussion of the [conspiracy] question be initiated where it is not already taking place. Where discussion is active addresses are requested:

a. To discuss the publicity problem with and friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors) , pointing out that the [official investigation of the relevant event] made as thorough an investigation as humanly possible, that the charges of the critics are without serious foundation, and that further speculative discussion only plays into the hands of the opposition. Point out also that parts of the conspiracy talk appear to be deliberately generated by …  propagandists. Urge them to use their influence to discourage unfounded and irresponsible speculation.

b. To employ propaganda assets to and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose. The unclassified attachments to this guidance should provide useful background material for passing to assets. Our ploy should point out, as applicable, that the critics are (I) wedded to theories adopted before the evidence was in, (II) politically interested, (III) financially interested, (IV) hasty and inaccurate in their research, or (V) infatuated with their own theories.

4. In private to media discussions not directed at any particular writer, or in attacking publications which may be yet forthcoming, the following arguments should be useful:

a. No significant new evidence has emerged which the Commission did not consider.

b. Critics usually overvalue particular items and ignore others. They tend to place more emphasis on the recollections of individual witnesses (which are less reliable and more divergent–and hence offer more hand-holds for criticism) …

c. Conspiracy on the large scale often suggested would be impossible to conceal in the United States, esp. since informants could expect to receive large royalties, etc.

d. Critics have often been enticed by a form of intellectual pride: they light on some theory and fall in love with it; they also scoff at the Commission because it did not always answer every question with a flat decision one way or the other.

f. As to charges that the Commission’s report was a rush job, it emerged three months after the deadline originally set. But to the degree that the Commission tried to speed up its reporting, this was largely due to the pressure of irresponsible speculation already appearing, in some cases coming from the same critics who, refusing to admit their errors, are now putting out new criticisms.

g. Such vague accusations as that “more than ten people have died mysteriously” can always be explained in some natural way ….

5. Where possible, counter speculation by encouraging reference to the Commission’s Report itself. Open-minded foreign readers should still be impressed by the care, thoroughness, objectivity and speed with which the Commission worked. Reviewers of other books might be encouraged to add to their account the idea that, checking back with the report itself, they found it far superior to the work of its critics.


Given this, is it really so far fetched to consider this ploy is being utilized to this day by profiteers of climate engineering and other potentially disastrous profit above people programs to prevent public outcry?…

In the video of the “busted pilot”, it does appear that spray nozzles may be in full operation as the plane descends, (could be chemical spray, jet fuel dump, or a good Photoshop job), either way, the swirly mini-tornadoes that appear is a scientific phenomenon called, “Wake Vortex”, making over-zealous activists an easy target for the “debunkers”. This is the focus of the “debunkers”, of course, and there are countless webpages of disinformation sites “proving” this. Newsflash, “debunkers”. It is important to remember how disinformation works, it’s an intentional concoction of truth & lies constructed to manipulate and deceive an honest public, negatively influence opinion, suppress awareness and ultimately prevent outcry, because they know that “an ignorant public is a compliant public“.

This video is sourceless and virtually unverifiable, making it a prime target for a “debunking” ploy. Perhaps it’s real, perhaps it isn’t, the fact is that we’ll never know. It is entirely plausible that the “debunkers” planted it themselves as an attempt to appear credible while making those sharing it look gullible & foolish, with the ultimate goal of discrediting the entire movement; a well known political disinformation tactic. Indisputably, shills get recruited to infiltrate social media for these kinds of purposes: Definition of an internet shill

Climate engineering field experiments are not only possible, but probable, when we dig beyond the mainstream disinformation.

Novim Climate Engineering Streaks
NOVIM Climate Engineering Research “Comtrails” – what a coincidence.

For example, this is the site photo of the scientific research company, Novim, contracted by a team of geoengineers, including Ken Caldeira and David Keith, in 2009 to do a decade long agenda of climate engineering “research” including field experiments: Doesn’t this photo look amazingly like the heavy persistent streaks we often observe in our sky? Novim entitled their photo, “comtrails”, their technical term for chemical-contrails so as not be confused with “chemtrails”, a trigger word used in the mainstream, previously referenced as exotic weapons in Bill HR2977 introduced by Senator Dennis Kucinich, October 2, 2001, (B)-(ii): Bill H.R.2977 HR107th Congress (2001-2002)

Let’s use our critical thinking skills and ask ourselves, since Novim, (along with other research companies), have been researching climate engineering including field experiments for the past five years during their ten year agenda that began in 2009, isn’t it possible that the heavy persistent streaks we often observe in our global skies are indeed the result of climate engineering field experiments, and that “denial” is a tactic used by the “debunkers”, (shills), in the mainstream to convince the public it isn’t happening in order to keep it covert and prevent public outcry?

Because, in all the “debating & denial”, there has been no mention of how science actually works, (other than generic inapplicable text-speak on how water vapor contrails are formed). In science, a hypothesis is formed and experimentation follows. Therefore, it stands to reason that geoengineers wouldn’t submit their ideas for implementation, as they continue to openly do, unless they have first tested them. Watch the clip of Geoengineer David Keith on Colbert Nation where he admits his solution is to dump 20,000 tons of SULPHURIC ACID into the stratosphere: Geoengineer David Keith on Colbert Nation

The disinformation shills’ (“debunkers”) logic is deeply flawed and their outlandish demand for unattainable “proof” is a tactic used to distract and create doubt. Anyone that has taken basic science in school understands that field experiments are an integral part of any scientific endeavor. Scientific Method. Notice in this basic science flowchart that experimentation happens TWICE in order for the conclusion “final statement” to be reached.


However, according to the “chemtrail debunkers“, geoengineers do not follow the basic rules of science and are not now, nor have they ever been, performing any experimentation whatsoever, haha.

Why waste time on the mainstream pseudoscience junk sites ran by a gamer that fancies himself a “debunker”, when we can bypass the mainstream hype and through scholar searches find credible sites such as, “Integrated Assessment of Geoengineering Proposals”, and ask ourselves, would they really put this much time and effort into something that hasn’t already been field tested to some degree? Integrated Assessment of Geoengineering Proposals Research:

Take time to watch the NASA Von Karman Lecture with Riley Duren, Principal Engineer and Chief Systems Engineer for the Earth Science Directorate at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. entitled, “Geoengineering and Climate Intervention – What We Need To Know“, he explains geoengineering in understandable terms, and at one point, states that anyone can perform field experiments if they have the motivation and the resources. Given this information, it’s entirely possible that global climate engineering experiments have indeed been occurring insidiously, adversely, affecting our health and environment. Denial of the “possibility”, is either the highest form of ignorance, or intentional deceit to dupe an honest public:

Videos such as the ‘pilot/chemtrail’ that suddenly go viral and immediately get “debunked” are often intentionally planted to discredit the awareness movement. To avoid this trap, stick to solid, reputable information such as the links provided in this post.

If you’re going to share links on social media, trust your own videos & photos or ones whose source you can verify. Please be wary of suddenly viral stuff floating around on the internet with no references or traceable location, including memes, photos, and videos. Do not be so quick to share them, because it isn’t helping increase awareness if it ultimately discredits us.

Regardless of whether that video is really of a pilot that “forgot to turn off his chemical spray nozzles”, a normal jet fuel landing dump, or a disinformation plant that’s been Photoshopped, the fact remains climate engineering experiments are happening and plenty of solid information backs it up. It doesn’t take an expert in aviation or atmospheric science to look up and notice the abnormal crisscrossing persistent contrails lingering in the sky, whitening it and blocking the sun.

Believe your own eyes, trust yourself, and refuse to fall for the mainstream peer pressure of the “denier” herd mentality due to the rampant PROPAGANDA that has infiltrated our social media, because that’s what they are counting on.

Learn more about the tactics of rampant disinformation trolls plaguing us online for the sole purpose of spreading propaganda: The Cult- Jim Jones’ Disciples Had Nothing On These Guys


Primary definition of the word, “propaganda“:
prop•a•gan•da, präpəˈgandə/noun
1. derogatory information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view; “he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda”. Synonyms: information, promotion, advertising, publicity, spin; disinformation, counter-information; historical agitprop; informal info, hype, plugging; puff piece; the big lie “the prophetic novel is about a government that controls the masses by spreading propaganda”; the dissemination of propaganda as a political strategy: “the party’s leaders believed that a long period of education and propaganda would be necessary”.

The CULT – Jim Jones’ disciples had nothing on these facebook trolls

The CULT – Jim Jones’ disciples had nothing on these facebook trolls


Internet Troll: An Internet Troll is a colloquial expression used to define an online user who uses Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to purposely and actively provoke, defame, anger, tease, flame, or incite other online users. More often than not, the Internet Troll does not know the target recipient(s) of their vitriolic statements and behaviors. Internet Trolls regularly appear in all forms of online mediums ranging from online gaming gatherings to chatroom and forum discussions.

When the Internet Troll’s inflammatory statements and actions do not include a direct or implied physical threat to the target(s), their behavior is categorizes as cyber harassment. If the Troll’s verbal assaults include direct or implied physical threats to their target(s), their actions are then defined as cyberstalking. Canadian researchers have concluded that internet trolls are at higher rates for narcissism, machiavellianism, psychopathy and sadism.

The motivations for an Internet Troll’s provocative, and often times, bizarre behaviors are numerous. Despite the variations in modus operandi, the vast majority of Trolls are seeking attention, recognition, stimulation pseudo-notoriety and retribution for some unknown perceived injustice. Although there is no hard evidence or clinical research validating the psychology of the Internet Troll, it is commonly believed that the “Veil of Anonymity” afforded to every online user inspire Trolls to engage in egregious behaviors.



Psychology Today: “… the associations between sadism and GAIT (Global Assessment of Internet Trolling) scores were so strong that it might be said that online trolls are prototypical everyday sadists.” –


Gauging the amount of hostile, full page comments I received from psychopathic sadists (see references above), and chose not to allow due to my comment policy stated at the end of the article that they obviously failed to comprehend, in response to Dispelling internet disinformation tactics – debunking the debunkers, many facebook troll-cult members, also known as trolls/shills/deniers/cyberbullies, were upset because they weren’t included in the list of known offenders and did not receive any attention. I decided to do this follow up piece and oblige their request for the spotlight, and offer a “heads up” to the unsuspecting social media public about the rampant troll-cult scouring the internet for the sole purpose of harassing others.

The following list is not exhaustive, it begins with their leader, and may also include other various geoengineering proponents, deniers & their supporters. All are PUBLIC facebook profiles. We will edit this post to include more screenshots of the over 200+ cult member profiles, as time allows.

This should suffice in giving this whiny, self righteous, bullying CULT all the attention they deserve for doing their worst to suppress awareness, including relentlessly attacking the character of anyone that dares to speak up to protect humanity; with their relentless and transparent tactics, displaying their selfish, narcissistic, anti-humanitarian behavior.

This CULT and its geoengineering proponents and/or “denial” supporters whether knowingly or unwittingly, target and publicly harass anyone that they perceive has “beliefs” that differ from their own. That is pure discrimination, yet is rampant on our social media forums, and will continue unless we start speaking out against it. A couple of these profiles may be actual names, but the majority are fakes, take a close look.

This CULT chooses to focus solely on proving others wrong, rather than doing anything constructive to benefit humanity. Their negativity is only overshadowed by their ignorance and/or willful suppression of awareness to aid and abet what is surely going to go down in history as the biggest crime against humanity this world will ever see, and undoubtedly the last because when the climate system collapses, there will be life on this planet no more.

How many of YOU have been targeted and bullied by the following CULT and its members?

9 Troll FB Profiles

ADD Troll FB Profiles

PRIMARY Troll FB Profiles


PRIMARY 4 Troll FB Profiles

Troll Message To Rebel Siren

Facebook Flip Off
Right back atcha

PRIMARY 7 Troll FB Profiles

PRIMARY 8 Troll FB Profiles

Some of these compiled screenshots include a few of their fake public pages designed to make fun of legitimate pages concerned with health and the environment, like Food Babe. All this cult knows how to do is attack, make fun of, and name call, just like bullies on the playground in elementary school.

4 Troll FB Profiles

PRIMARY 5 Troll FB Profiles


Capn Carl Gov Shill

Captain Carl The Chemtrail Pilot GOV SHILL

Rusty TannerFAKE facebook page targeting activist Russ Tanner. Character Assassination is the number one tactic designed to discredit people. Putting others down to make themselves appear “credible”. Report the FAKE PAGE on facebook to help get it promptly removed. It is targeting someone with an illness and illegally using Russ Tanner’s image. Despicable display of shillidiocy running amok.

Below is an example of how they spend their time, attacking whistle-blower Kristen Meghan’s inkwork? This is a perfect example of the cult putting others down to make themselves feel bigger. They pick on anything and everything in an attempt to discredit others. It’s a waste of valuable time and speaks volumes as to the lack of character of these cult disciples. Blank stare, soulless, lost. Sad that they can’t think of anything better to do with their time. Out of all the ills of our society and planet in desperate need of solutions, THIS is what they choose to focus on? Shameful. Such a disgrace to humanity. Incidentally, we love Kristen Meghan’s tatoos and see the trolls for what they are… insecure, ignorant bullies.

Screenshots 4 Troll Attack on Kristen Meghan

Screenshots 5 Troll Attacks on Kristen Meghan

Screenshots 6 Troll Attacks on Kristen Meghan

Getting into a “debate” with a cult member online is reminiscent of a grade school argument with a “copy cat” bully. When we say they should get their head out of the sand, they repeat, “get your head out of the sand”. When we say, wake up, they say, “wake up”, when we say that they are subscribing to pseudoscience, they repeat, “that’s pseudoscience”, except they usually misspell it. We recommend that honest people avoid their fake pages and refuse to get into futile debates with them for the aforementioned reasons. Save yourselves the frustration because the cult trolls are not worth your time.

The cult uses a tactic that likens those that are aware of geoengineering to religious zealots, but it’s in fact, that is precisely what THEY are. It is an incorrect description to say that there is “belief” in geoengineering; there is knowledge that it’s happening with an overwhelming sense of responsibility to our children, their future children, and all life on this planet, to do our best to use appropriate channels to put an end to this dangerous scheme.

It’s not like there is a “church of geoengineering” where people worship chem-planes, like the cult apparently does. Did you get a load of “International Chemtrail Association” listed above? Their motto is “darker, safer skies” or some drivel like that designed to ridicule the movement for health and sustainability that is beyond disrespectful to the efforts of all that are working diligently to save this planet and all life on it.  The denier cult is an affront to every living thing and the planet itself.

Makes us wonder if the deniers have ever stopped to consider the magnitude of the ramifications that will surely manifest when they end up wrong? How terribly ignorant and/or devious they’ll end up looking when the truth finally comes out into the open as it slowly and surely is. What are they getting out of such vehement denial without taking into consideration the consequences that their stance may be unfounded, as intelligent people would do? They exhibit the fervor of a CULT. Some of the cult members think it’s funny to be a paid shill and put it on their facebook profiles, others obviously couldn’t care less about future sustainability or life on this planet and that is their motivation, as their behavior clearly dictates.  If they had a shred of humanity, why would they be operating out of such zealot like behavior just to prove they’re in the majority? In true copycat fashion, the cult continues calling us the “status quo” while simultaneously claiming they are in the “majority”, but it cannot be BOTH. It’s either one or the other. Well, cult trolls, which is it? Are we in the “majority” or are you? Make up your minds because the revolving door of lies and betrayal to the human race is dizzying.

Why do the cult trolls waste their time on a bunch of “crazy conspiracy theorists that are not to be taken seriously” anyway?  What’s it to them?

Hmm, let’s think about the true motives behind their actions? Could it be deception and disinformation at work to suppress awareness and prevent public outcry because an ignorant public is a compliant public? BINGO.

Comments by honest people will be accepted. Troll comments will NOT and frankly, we don’t care how much the cult trolls whine about it, we laugh at their pathetic attempts to invade the blog with their rehearsed, memorized, regurgitating baseless spews, whining that they’re being “censored”, as if. There is a difference between censorship and having the right to not be discriminated against and abused. “Baseless” is another word they like mimicking, “you’re baseless“, usually misspelling “you’re”.

Again, since the cult members have the mentality of 12 year old bullies, we’ll spell it out in Pig Latin especially for them, “uckfae ouyae, ultcae”.

“The Cult” part two will be published shortly revealing more offenders to be on the lookout for.

Novim – just science.

Even if geoengineering weren’t happening already despite the overwhelming visible evidence we observe in the sky and conclusive lab results from all over globe, (we all know field experimentation is a crucial aspect of science despite the debunkers claims that no experimentation has been, or ever will, happen), then prospectively, it will only be a matter of time before it is openly implemented. Either way, why such vehement denial in the mainstream and all over social media? What would be in it for the denier cult trolls unless they’re either getting paid to suppress awareness, or have fallen prey to the  tactics used on them?

Integrated Assessment of Geoengineering Proposals.

This one below left a (disallowed) comment comparing geoengineering awareness to a “cult“, haha! He couldn’t think of anything better than that? This is just another in the growing list of immature, self centered “copy cats” with no concern for humanity or sustainability of this planet, serving as the perfect example of everything this blog outlined above, proving the point. “Supastar DJ Bob” and all the other cult minions only have the capacity for mimicking and insults. Do we seriously want to listen to a word they have to say about science or anything else for that matter? Mick West must be so proud.

Don't drink the Kool-Aid or you'll end up like DJ Supaduh.
Don’t drink the Kool-Aid or you could end up like  “Supastar DJ Bob”

He’s Feeling Pretty – Portrait Of A Rat Troll

Portrait of a TROLL
“Relentless Australian Trolls”, RATs, can be prosecuted according to Australian law, click photo for more info.

TROLLS are everywhere, even the word “troll” is offensive. They have been systematically infiltrating social media for sinister purposes. Many of them are paid, hired by PR companies to spin an issue, sway public opinion, and cause debate and controversy where none previously existed, nor should. Check online employment venues for “forum poster” jobs. Trolls contribute to the ills of our society and are a virtual plague upon the planet by perpetuating everything that is destructive from promoting GMOs to geoengineering, to marketing, spamming, and selling us stuff we don’t need. This is a portrait of one such troll, an Aussie Rat Troll, quite common Down Under.

This troll (like all the others) claims it’s his “hobby” to bully, harass, ridicule and abuse honest people for the purpose of perpetuating the polluting and desecration of our planet, our health, and all life. He hides behind anonymity, creating several fake accounts all for the purpose of harassing an individual and group of people that he feels have “beliefs” that differ from his own.

The troll (of course) is associated with the metaflunkers (that’s right, meta-FLUNKers), and CONpseudoscience (pseudo-science at its worst), both sites ran by the gaming guru they worship and blindly follow, their lord and master, in a virtual DISINFORMATION CULT. Their “guru” is not an expert, but a mere gaming programmer with no expertise in atmospheric sciences, aviation, or meteorology. This CULT likens the effort to increase awareness about hazardous, risky weather and climate engineering programs, to “religious zealots”, when in reality, that is precisely what they are by blindly following the gamer and his nasty band of internet trolls.

Some trolls get compensated (shillidiocy) while others are mere sheep, brainwashed into blindly following the herd and unwittingly help do the dirty work by spreading around the propaganda (lies/disinformation). It’s like a mass Stockholm Syndrome where these egocentric follower’s limited intellects are held captive by their “god”, engulfed in narcissism, the gaming programmer, because their insecure need to “cling” and “follow” outweighs any sense of humanity that an intelligent independent thinker would have.

Trolls target videos on youtube, and social media including facebook, relentlessly harassing people, posting generic “contrail” formation text-speak, which has nothing to do with the issues being discussed, other than jet fuel pollution contributing to poor air quality. If we take a look at the history of this “debate”, they started out claiming that geoengineering wasn’t possible. However, once they could no longer refute the reality of it, they began claiming it isn’t “being done yet”, that we are “geoengineering the planet already”, that “planes cannot spray chemcials” (despite overwhelming facts that they can and do), and that all of the heavy persistent streaks we observe globally are mere “contrails”.

Ponder what this loathsome lot has to gain by disputing this issue. What is it to them? It’s a disinformation campaign, that’s what.

They work hard to incite violence using old political tactics. A primary tactic is to attack the character of every leader and whistle-blower that dares to speak out. If these are just regular people, why so many fake accounts? Why target only awareness videos on youtube? It’s a format, an obvious strategic attack of DISINFORMATION when you learn their tactics and begin paying closer attention.

Many people in the mainstream fall for these tactics due to cognitive dissonance or sheer brainwashing because they feel accepted into a group. It’s another form of “groupthink” comparable to a “religious cult”. Trolls are themselves the “zealots” and are doing extensive harm to our health and planet.

Truly intelligent people with the ability for critical thinking and that take the time to do research beyond the mainstream hype, never fall for this groupthink mentality, and because of that, are inevitably the ones targeted by these low level trolls.

Even the so called “educated” trolls that managed to pass enough courses for a degree, still lack the intelligence and critical thinking skills to think beyond their indoctrinations or stop to consider humanity rather than their own selfish existence. They merely memorize and regurgitate, nothing more, and can only be described as “educated idiots” since education is not the same thing as intelligence.

Depending on the field and intelligence quotient (or lack thereof), education can serve the purpose of indoctrination to perpetuate the system and suppress critical thinking and awareness, this is especially true in the field of “applied sciences”. Trolls with applied science degrees are the worst regarding arrogance and “god complex”. They’re out to destroy nature, make it better, improve it, completely disrespecting and destroying it in the process. Not all scientists, of course, many are highly intelligent forward thinkers. Please do not misinterpret the point.  Apparently, there is no room for morality, ethics, or basic respect in corporate industry, however. Profit over people, that’s the “bottom line”, isn’t it?

Let’s clarify, this is not an “anti-science” statement, as the trolls would no doubt claim. This is to point out the difference between IRRESPONSIBLE science, versus responsible science that seeks to work with nature, not against it, and advocate for a sustainable, healthy planet for the present, and future, generations.

The “Dr. Evils” of the world mentioned here, practice irresponsible science in their arrogance. They are routinely careless in their actions with no consideration for future consequences. Just look at our planet for the “evidence”. The desecration by the fossil fuel industry (connected to climate engineering despite their public “denial” tactic). Geoengineer David Keith is one example, he stated openly that geoengineering “is like free-riding on our grand-kids”. If you google the name & phrase, the first thing that comes up is metaflunk defending him and his statement.  Unsurprising, considering it’s their JOB and MISSION to deflect focus from these hazardous programs to prevent public outcry, because “an ignorant public is a compliant public” and they will do everything despicable to achieve this goal. It is an organized and strategic disinformation campaign.

For this purpose, trolls routinely create multiple fake facebook (along with other social media) accounts, including one facebook page that targets a well known leader in geoengineering awareness, using his name followed by the word “Fraudster”. Despite numerous reports to facebook and reports for removal of that fake harassing page, facebook turns a blind eye and allows it to remain. That page is an obvious fake and clearly VIOLATES facebook’s own “terms of service”, yet they refuse to take it down. Makes you wonder if there is funding involved. Facebook, care to answer why you’re allowing “the blunder from down under” to disgrace your venue?

If the head perpetrator troll that created a specific fraudster page attempts to feebly claim he is the inspiration for the artist rendering above, he will be admitting to his fake accounts, the harassment, and shillidiocy he spews all over facebook and elsewhere and that will be just cause for the removal of his fraudster page(s) on all of the social media venues he posted his derogatory attacks on. No names have been mentioned here, no photos, no specific information has been given other than pointing out the truth and using an artist’s image to depict it. DISCLAIMER: The above image is merely an abstract to bring attention to the rampant SHILLS a.k.a. “trolls”, infiltrating our online lives whose likeness to any specific troll, is purely coincidental.

Additionally, facebook could be considered an accomplice by contributing to the targeting and harassment of an individual due to differing beliefs, (let’s call it “religion” since that’s what the trolls inevitably liken geoengineering awareness to), hence, as such, should be held responsible for allowing blatant discrimination to run unchecked.

Should we allow TROLLS to run rampant on social media for the sole purpose of attacking, bullying, and harassing people or groups whom “they do not agree with”? If you have a facebook profile or page and are familiar with the “fraudster” page using a well known geoengineering awareness leader’s name, please report it, as well as report all fraudster pages and fake troll profiles that you come across. If we band together and keep reporting these RATS, there is a better chance they will get justly SHUT DOWN. The disrespectful “fraudster” pages are an affront, not only to the reputable leader it is targeting, but to everyone engaging in honest discussions, as well as all of humanity.

To learn more about internet disinformation tactics in order to recognize when you’re dealing with a “troll” versus a real person with a differing “opinion”:

Dispelling Internet Disinformation Tactics – Debunking the Debunkers

Dispelling Internet Disinformation Tactics – Debunking the Debunkers

Click Photo for “Disinformation – How It Works” on

Internet TROLLS, also known as “forum posters”, “internet bloggers,” or if we call them what they really are, SHILLS, are increasingly being recruited by corporations or subcontracted agencies not only for marketing (Exposing Cyber Shills and Social Media’s Underworld) or political purposes (Definition of a sock puppet), but also, to distract from the truth to prevent public outcry about hazardous programs such as geoengineering (climate engineering & weather modification), dirty archaic energy (oil-Keystone XL pipeline, gas-fracking), the dangers of genetically modified foods (GMOs, big ag, biotech, warfare chemical companies), vaccine risks, Smart Meters, 9/11 questions, and EVERY issue where profiteers put their bottom line and lust for control, over the destruction of the planet at the expense of our health & sustainability of the planet.

Internet trolls are often employees that answered a job ad on craigslist or some other online employment venue. The geoengineering trolls, specifically, are employed by the two main disinformation sites, metabxxx and contrailsciexxx, both ran by a gaming programmer, not a “scientist”. He and his band of internet trolls lack expertise in science, meteorology or any other field related to geoengineering, yet claim to be “experts” and fancy themselves “debunkers”. “Shillidiocy” is a term that best describes the rapidly growing industry of people ready and willing to sell out humanity for a few pennies per comment. Disinformation has been used throughout history for political manipulation and those same tactics are being utilized today by trolls hired to infiltrate social media.

1) CHARACTER ASSASSINATION(Psychological Warfare – discredit, distract, intimidate, frustrate, divide & conquer) – Disinformation shills (trolls)  attack the character of leaders in a movement to discredit them, thus discrediting the movement. A main character assassination tactic is to highlight any negative or perceived flaw of an otherwise reputable person, whether true or false, to discredit him/her in an attempt to invalidate their viewpoint and make it appear baseless, for the sole purpose of detracting focus from the information they are sharing. Trolls often “make stuff up” if they can’t find anything real to highlight for this goal, after all, shills are paid liars. Trolls are hired to make leading or inflammatory comments for the sole purpose of baiting their targets to create a “controversial debate” where none truly exists. They often resort to the “Trojan Horse” tactic to elicit an emotional response from their targets, frustrate, and evoke hostility with the intent of twisting it around to make the person look volatile, a classic “character assassination” tactic to discredit people, making them appear weak and unstable. Trolls frequently provoke people into a heated argument, and sometimes will go so far as to “report” them as being a “threat” to get them kicked off the forum. Another trick these liars are taught to do is to use semantics to twist people’s words around and make it seem as though they’ve lied, to discredit them and works hand in hand with the Straw Man tactic. These are all character assassination attempts that you will easily recognize happening in social media forums once you become familiar with these tactics.

2) DEMANDING IMPOSSIBLE PROOF – The most common tactic used by online trolls is to “demand evidence”, then ignore it when it’s presented and continue to demand proof that is impossible for anyone to obtain. Regardless of credible data presented by their targets in public forums, trolls repeatedly deem it as “irrelevant” and continue to demand unattainable proof. The purpose of which, is to dismiss any and all legitimate information (actual evidence), found by those take the time to do real research beyond the disinformation site links, and to distract from the fact the trolls fail to present any credible information themselves. It also keeps their targets scurrying and frustrated, giving trolls the illusion of having the upper hand. Often, disinformation shills pose as a supporter of the truth, or “friendly folks on the fence” politely asking questions, in a sly attempt to later discredit the movement. Trolls posing as friendly allies will post long, incoherent diatribes on fake blogs & articles, or inflammatory comments, for the purpose of associating the movement with insanity. Other times they will act as “the voice of reason” to make it appear as though any presented data isn’t strong enough, and they offer to play “devil’s advocate” to “help” the movement, with the goal of rendering any and all data as invalid regardless of how legitimate the source; perpetuate doubt, and discredit the movement.

3) DOMINATE THE THREADTrolls interject themselves into productive web discussions in order to make themselves appear credible as though they have a “real” argument, where none actually exists. Their job is to create controversy and instigate a “debate” by pretending to be “a regular person with an opposing opinion participating in normal discourse“, when in fact, they are paid shills that get compensated to scour the net and attack awareness videos on youtube, blogs, articles, public facebook pages, and other social media forums; they also brainwash their followers to do their bidding, using “chemtrails” as their Manchurian Candidate trigger word. Trolls often post links from metaxxxx or conxxxxxscience regurgitating the generic science of how normal contrails are formed, inapplicable to weather modification and climate engineering activity. They try to lure people to those disinformation sites to attempt to convince them that the persistent, spreading streaks we observe in the sky are “normal contrails”, yet they dismiss any additional information on climate engineering with verifiable references found on scholar databases. Another tactic is to claim that to advocate against toxic climate engineering is somehow “taking away from more important issues” like cutting C02 emissions, when ironically, it’s the SAME cause, and if we connect the dots, it trails back to big biotech, oil, gas & coal funding climate engineering.  The trolls relentlessly keep commenting on threads to dominate the discussion with the intent to keep their comments at the very top. They also vote their comments up and their target’s comments down, (if the forum offers that feature). This is evident when you become familiar with their methods. I have yet to see a disinformation shill post a reputable link, or any link, other than from those two disinformation sites or some equally generic source lacking verifiable references, or that pertains to what we observe happening in many regions of our globe. They intentionally divert attention away from credible documentation, dismissing it without due diligence. They often regurgitate harassing insults (especially on youtube), and repeat generic jargon about how water vapor condensation trails are formed, which has nothing to do with the persistent, spreading, lingering trails we observe covering & whitening the sky, blocking the sun, that is being done as scientific research, “field experiments”, the prelude to officially implementing global climate engineering programs.

4) PRE-WRITTEN SCRIPTED RESPONSES – (cut & paste comments): Trolls are supplied with a list or database of preplanned talking points in a boilerplate format designed as offensive maneuvers and deceptive comments to create an argument for the sole purpose of deflecting from the truth because that is what they have been recruited to do. Geoengineering “chemtrail debunker” trolls are notorious for this, and note they never actually “debunk” anything. All they do is deflect from reality and try to CAST DOUBT and keep the “denial” tactic going so the profiteers of climate engineering and weather control can continue to suppress public outcry in order to continue aerial spraying of heavy metals and toxic chemicals into our global atmosphere, jeopardizing our health and future sustainability of the planet, and prevent us from uniting to take appropriate legal action to stop this blatant crime against humanity. If you pay close attention and track the trolls, you will see that they repetitively post routine boilerplate comments all over social media forums.

5) FALSE ASSOCIATION – The goal of “false association” is to associate supporters of the movement with negative labels such as “paranoid conspiracy theorist” or “anti-science” to make their targets appear crazy or ignorant, and ultimately discredit the movement. Trolls deliberately associate the movement with far fetched concepts like “big foot”, aliens, “moon hoax”, false flag conspiracies, etc., because of the associated negative connotations. The goal is to create biases and dissuade people from objectively examining credible information presented. This works hand in hand with #1 (character assassination), and the “Trojan Horse” troll (sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule, engaging them in a hostile argument to try to discredit them, also known as the “attack the messenger” ploy). Online trolls often call their targets derogatory names such as “chemtard”, “conspiratard”, “chemnut”, “ignorant”, or “liar”, attempting to invalidate anything they say regardless of the truth of it. Trolls often attempt to make it appear that their targeted group incites violence (tying in with character assassination). Trolls will post hostile comments such as “let’s shoot down those planes” on public forums such as Skyder Alert by pretending to be a supporter for the sole purpose of discrediting a peaceful movement.

6) FALSE MODERATION – The disinformation tactic of pretending to be the “voice of reason” in an attempt to move people away from what is clearly true, into the murky waters of “doubt” where the truth becomes “relative.” And, when that inevitably fails, they resort to antagonizing and goading people with insults, name calling, and bullying. They routinely chide and taunt people to harass them into emotional responses with the goal of making them look foolish or unstable in an attempt to deflect focus from their point and invalidate any credible data they may be presenting. Do not let them engage you in an argument and provoke you into hostility, because it is a deliberate move to discredit you. Refuse to take the bait.

7) STRAW MAN and “AD HOMINEM” ARGUMENTS – A common tactic is that the troll will accuse his opposition of subscribing to an obscure point of view, then attack that point of view (Straw Man). Trolls fabricate a “perspective” and then rebut it, regardless of the fact that his target never made any such comment. Trolls frequently use the Straw Man tactic, for example: “you’re a polluter and pro-fossil fuel, because all of your talk about climate engineering is taking attention away from the real problem of C02 emissions“. This is the kicker, it’s safe to say that humanity unanimously agrees we must end our dependency on fossil fuels and implement clean, sustainable technology for the future (that’s why there is a movement against climate engineering, “spraying pollution to solve pollution” is insanity), but the minute we state this in a reply we have “taken the bait” because the troll immediately shifts gears and attacks making it obvious it was a tactic to engage us in a fictitious debate to deflect focus from the dangers of climate engineering, (the aerially spraying of toxins into the atmosphere, wider reaching and far worse than the problem of ground level pollution). The troll uses conjecture, ridicule, and accusation to try and prove himself as credible by attempting to discredit others, and often exclaims, “you have no argument, that is just ad hominem”! Ironically, that is exactly what he is doing. The troll is trained to appear confident, unwavering, and that he is undoubtedly right, when in reality, it’s the exact opposite. He is a paid liar and his goal is to create doubt and keep the truth covered up. Some trolls have even begun to use environmental icons or the Guy Fawkes mask (symbol of Anonymous) as a profile pic and more realistic usernames now that we are becoming aware of their tactics. On youtube, the troll username, “Kevin Schmidt”, is a prime example.

8) POSING LEADING QUESTIONS and “PLAYING NICE” – (with actual examples of real paid troll’s comments). When the internet shill realizes people are aware of his tactics, he will then try to play nice, act innocent, and pose a seemingly “harmless” leading question, example posted below.  The following bold, italic quotes are actual troll comments made by username William01702 who is known to routinely attack youtube geoengineering awareness videos:

William01702, (a known disinformation troll) used tactic #s 6, 8, and 2 to troll the video (link below) of the courageous Kristen Meghan, who stands strong to do what is right in the face of adversity to warn people about geoengineering and the disinformation sites. If you watch the video and listen to her, it is clear what is happening with the rampant disinformation in our mainstream; PAID shills are ready and willing to contribute to the demise of our world, and sell out their humanity to perpetuate lies for a measly buck. The shill “Hama Neggs” also trolled it with some derogatory comments about Kristen Meghan using #1 (character assassination).  Troll’s comments may, or may not, get deleted by the page moderator; but if they remain, notice the date and how quickly they found it. It’s their job to scour the net and attack, so in time, even if theirs get deleted, more paid trolls will appear.  If you check other awareness videos, you’ll see the same usernames in action.  Save LI Forum – 09 – Kristen Meghan – Geo-engineering

(William01702‘s trolling comment uses tactics 6, 8, 2, posted below. If you examine the troll’s initial approach and compare it to the subsequent comments, you’ll see the contrast, and the tactics become crystal clear. Frankly, no effort is required to expose these paid trolls, they do that themselves as their “bait  and hook” routine becomes glaringly obvious when you know their strategy)…

William01702 (troll):  Could you please tell me what “disinformation” you have found on Metabunk or contrailscience? I mean, you claim the information isnt factual, and then provide no evidence to support such a claim. Why?”… “It really is a legitimate question which deserves an answer. Despite what paranoid liars like GalileoGalileisGhost say.(If William01702 was just a random viewer, why would he care whether those sites have been exposed as disinformation, and “demand proof”, unless he IS an associate (a paid shill)? The answer becomes evident if you notice how he followed with the classic “false association” & “Trojan Horse” tactic to disparage shill buster, GalileoGalileisGhost. Would a random user that’s not associated with those disinformation sites have cause to do this)?

William01702 also posted this comment on a different thread, (note the contrast when confronted for his shill activity): “ I’m not a troll I’m just someone who is better educated in atmospheric science and aviation that all chemtards, combined.” (notice his derogatory use of the word CHEMTARDS a classic Trojan Horse move).

William01702 also wrote this:  “Chemtards couldn’t be more stupid if they wanted to be. You people are evil alarmists who spread fear, hate, and ignorance based on a lack of education. I pity the chemtards!” (does that sound like someone educated in atmospheric sciences or anything else for that matter)?

William01702 (a.k.a. “TheVoiceOfReason” on youtube) also wrote this on an entirely different thread, “Oh really and where do they say that THIS trail has ANYTHING to do with what they have “admitted to”. NO WHERE! It’s hilarious that you people read about some basic testing and then assume everything you see in the sky must be related to such testing. Chemtards are idiots! Oh, and BTW show me where anyone has admitted to any such thing! If you say HR2977 you’re a fucking moron!”

William01702 also wrote this on yet a different thread (verbatim quote [sic] including errors and profanity): “Tat should have read “because you are too stupid and lazy to understand basic fucking science”. But, does it matter?! Will it change anything?! No, you will always assume that just because you hate/fear the government that it must mean that you and your chemtard friends must be right about the trails in the sky. Nevermind the fact that you have never actually studed these subjects! You have visited conspiracy sites! You know it all real pilots are just STUPID for going to school for years!”

William01702 also wrote this on yet a different thread: “Poor chemtards unable to understand he difference between an intentional nefarious release of chemicals and business as usual”.

William01702 also wrote this on yet a different thread: “Why do you people pretend to understand that minor differences in temperature, engine power settings, engine types, and engine size can result in differences in trails, when its obvious that you are all fucking clueless!!! This video isn’t evidence of anything more than the ignorance of chemtards”!

William01702 also wrote this on a video about chemical fallout from geoengineering (notice the pattern from the previous comments): “Yup, I’m sure that she is a moron. And so are you. There is ZERO evidence that this “affliction” has ANYTHING to do with the trails in the sky. NONE! It’s nothing more than paranoid fantasy made up by those who like to pick at their skin. And you are right, she IS just one moron in a line of many. By the way accepting ignorant bullshit from OTHER paranoid losers on the internet is NOT “research”.”

William01702 also wrote these various comments on various different videos as well: “Stupid chemtards”, “Idiot”“Moron”, AND “that is technology that is not only public knowledge, but is highly regulated. It also has nothing to do with any trails in the sky. That’s the problem with you people. You are completely ignorant but are too stupid to know it”!

Compare the subsequent comments with the name calling & insults, to the first one that was on a video where his disinformation sites were brought to light and notice how he tried to recover by looking innocent & friendly despite his hostility and antagonistic comments on other awareness videos.


Who are these trolls that have time to sit around and make comments on youtube all day and night, and WHY target and attack awareness videos? The answer is clear, they are DISINFORMATION SHILLS. We have screenshots in the likely event that this loathsome user attempts to attack this blog and denies ever making those comments. So, unless he deletes all of his comments off of all the youtube awareness videos he has attacked, and closes his account, (let’s hope he does), you can plainly see his existing comments (and more) on youtube by checking his page activity or tracking him on awareness videos. The trolls get compensated to BAIT you and LURE you to those disinformation sites.

Yes there are gov paid trolls

This is a facebook thread with an epic example of the rampant shillidiocy on our social media forums. Many of the facebook shills attacking the honest people trying to raise awareness on that post are listed in “The Cult” article below. These denier cult members call others the “sheep” or “cult” because it’s clearly what they are and they’ve either been brainwashed into, or are compensated for, spreading disinformation and LIES: The CULT – Jim Jones’ disciples had nothing on these guys

 This is a growing list of known geoengineering (chemtrails) trolls: William01702 (youtube troll) ALSO uses youtube aliases, “William1965“, “William Noble“, “TheVoiceOfReason“, and it’s highly likely that he uses several other aliases as well.

William is joined by known shills such as Baronstone, Hama Neggs, Fred Lee, Lizoir, chavspotter, Terry Ram, Nwoflyer, thechief762, epsilon892, siouxperb5570, PM011, Phouse 1512, Niglet Gook, Belfrey1, aszi77, Jazzaconda, Baba Loo, Zygote, MrFubar75, “Kevin Schmidt”, ManicDeprescion, Zaparooni Zap, Windowpane767, Jack Haveman, Tomáš Fedor6, Andrew Buck, StratMatt777, Kyong Chinpao, Sgt. Rock, James Richard Tyrer (facebook troll), Miguel Angel Miguel (facebook troll that clams to have a high I.Q. and hold SEVEN scientific degrees, yet, in reality works as a balloon clown), silversaver82, Bruce Campbell, NeurOn911, ibtank, Arthur Hunt, Steve Funk, Todd Cory, TheVoiceOfReason679 (William Noble), mrstuperstefan, and several others, including Peter Harris, Khan Trayles (“con trails”), “International Chemtrail Association – ICA (advocating “dimmer, safer skies” by means of aerosol injection), Argo Rancor, Peter Greenall, Jeff Lindquist, Jay Uzinato, Star Bricker, Richard Johnston-bell, Portia Plantago-Lanceolata, Eman Sugob (“bogus name” spelled backwards), Rusty Kilpatrick, Douglas E. DeVries, Tim Coles, Yuri Zephyros a.k.a. Ross Marsden, Rescheckle Berglesteinowitz, Diego de la Vega, Rawley Bates, Serge A. Storms, George Salbert, Danni Bannanni, Jae Squared, Peter Greenall, Brian Real, Elizabeth Tague, Peter Dellys, Joe Gunzliano, Neil Pennington, a.k.a “Neil Penn”, (Australian shill with fake accounts on facebook, a self professed “PhD candidate”, that makes a living from unsustainable dirty energy practices such as gold mining, excavating, fracking, oil drilling; a blatant purveyor of geoengineering whose “hobby” is trolling and attacking the character of others running a facebook “fraudster” page to disparage a leader in the awareness movement -since removed), see: Neil Pennington aka “Neil Penn” – Rebel Siren – WordPress.

The CULTJim Jonesdisciples had nothing on these guys, an article exposing facebook shills and the brainwashed deniers that help do their bidding

ALL of the usernames above, and more, have all been identified as shills (aka “trolls”) infiltrating social media, utilizing the same tactics and associated with the two notorious disinformation sites, recruited by a mere gaming programmer, the granddaddy of them all, Mick West, (or at least that’s the public name he uses). The above list does not include specific GMO shills, however, when your recognize their tactics, they’re easy to spot. A few GMO shill usernames our team spotted on youtube are DeadFishFactory, Supercorrector1, David Ashlin, and “matthew gasiewki”, for example. On facebook Farmer Hank, Billy Snapp, and Joe DaFarmer, (along with several others). Side note, notice how the geoengineering trolls often claim to bepilots” or “scientists“, and the GMO trolls often claim to be “farmers” or “scientists“. See the pattern?

The reason these shills’ names are being published is to increase awareness and alert the honest public about which usernames are the most prolific, to expose the deceit & lies prevalent on our social media forums. The shills’ format is always the same and they often attack in teams to “back each other up”.  Anyone that does a little digging will find these same usernames frequently darkening awareness videos all over youtube, regurgitating insults, performing their usual antagonistic, tactical routine, and attempting to lure people to disinformation sites (metabxxx & contrailsciexxx) as most of them get compensated for it.

UPDATE 3/23/2014:  Unsurprisingly, the troll William01702, WordPress username “William Noble”, attempted to leave the following comment on this blog. It has been copied & pasted verbatim for observation purposes. Rather than allowing this known troll to post a comment to harass people with his antagonistic shillidiocy, examine it to identify the disinformation tactics he used:

I am william01702. You people should stop blaming others for being more intelligent than you. It’s not about “tactics”. It’s about pointing out ignorant fear mongering. Nothing more. I’m still waiting for someone..anyone…to provide evidence that the information provided on contrailscience or metabunk concerning the trails in the sky is in error.

According to the blog stats, “William Noble” a.k.a. William01702 AND “TheVoiceOfReason” did not click one single link provided in the body of this blog, do his due diligence, or intelligently attempt to refute any of the information therein. He merely regurgitated the usual harassing insults and conjecture, continuing to “demand evidence” without any due diligence on his part, and in doing so, he has only served to confirm the disinformation tactics running rampant in social media today.

IP addresses are public record, therefore, it is not only legal to publish them, but encouraged, in order to help keep abuse off of social media. The IP information of WordPress username “William Noble” a.k.a. William01702, can be found through the link below. This includes his general location and the contact information of his provider, Verizon Online LLC, with a phone number to report abuse (1-214-513-6711), so anyone that this troll has bullied & harassed on youtube or elsewhere, can (and should) report him directly to his internet service provider:

When known troll William01702 commented on this blog, his public information was provided, including his username, email (removed) and PUBLIC IP address as follows:

“William Noble’s” Public IP INFO:



William01702 has attempted to make several more abusive comments, using another WordPress username “thefactsmatter” coming from an IP address at Longwood Medical, Cambridge, MA:  Comments by honest people offering input are welcome considering that there are three honest mindsets regarding climate engineering; those for it, those against it, and those that have fallen prey to the mainstream denial tactic and remain unaware.  However, ABUSIVE comments by known TROLLS, as well as “baiting” comments, will not be accepted, no matter how politely worded. This is not “censorship”, this is HUMANITY fed up with deceit.

As William01702 has proven, SHILLIDIOCY is rampant in social media. Less frequently, you’ll see these strategies mimicked by others in the mainstream that have willfully succumbed to cognitive dissonance and easily fallen prey to the disinformation tactics that have been used on them. These duped followers seem happy to regurgitate the lies they have been told and are content to post links only from those disinformation sites, while refusing to look at any other credible data presented to them. It’s like a mass Stockholm Syndrome in which their limited intellects are easily held hostage by their disinformation captors, and they’ve fallen “in love” with Mick We$t and his band of marauding minions. These victims of mass brainwashing also exhibit the common trait among trolls, of refusing to examine credible, verifiable, REAL data (such as several scholarly documents that can be found through this link):

Sadly, people’s refusal to examine any data beyond the disinformation sites, means success for the disinformation campaign.  Getting the public to do their bidding, not only meets the goal of “divide and conquer” in the battle to pit us against each other, it keeps us distracted, engaged in their fictitious debate, and prevents us from focusing on the fact that heavy metals such as aluminum, barium, and strontium, and other toxic chemicals such as sulphuric acid, and silver iodide, are being sprayed into our air supply globally for the purpose of Weather Modification and Climate Engineering.  In this war on awareness, the truth becomes irrelevant, and the sleepwalkers, happy to remain blissfully ignorant, are proud to belong to the band of trolls that have, ironically, convinced them that we are the “ignorant” ones, and that they are the geniuses that have all the answers. To deny something that one knows nothing about and being staunchly unwilling to investigate or even consider that a possibility exists beyond their limited scope, is the highest form of ignorance.

The telltale difference between mass cognitive dissonance and a paid internet troll, is that many trolls have generic or offensive usernames, no profile pic, a generic cartoon pic, a celebrity pic, and recently, some trolls are using an environmental icons, “chemtrail pics”, Guy Fawkes mask (Anonymous), kittens, and “common” first & last names (no doubt fake) to trick people into thinking they’re an “ally” (like “Kevin Schmidt” on youtube). They are easily recognizable if you click around and track their previous comments on other threads, you will see that they have attacked using the repetitive format, and frequently try to lure people to their disinformation sites, where they get compensated to engage them in a futile “debate”, waste their time and distract them from spending time increasing awareness in their local community, and doing REAL research on geoengineering.

Don’t let the trolls bait you, lure you, or cause you to feel stupid for considering that geoengineering is a reality, because it’s just a ploy to suppress your awareness and they get PAID to do it. Keep watching the sky and research information beyond the fixed mainstream search engines. Watch the documentaries, Look Up! and What in the World are They Spraying?, take notes and look up the information presented (also notice the amount of trolls that attack those awareness videos)! The TRUTH is there for anyone that is intelligent enough to look past the deceit & lies.


1)     Never “reply to” them, (do not take the bait).

2)     REPORT them, because what they’re doing is a form of cyber-BULLYING and SPAM.

3)     On your page, DELETE their comments and BLOCK/BAN them.

4)   Keep a list of known troll’s usernames that you have had contact with and publish it on your page to help expose their tactics and warn others to avoid the troll bait.

Share this information to increase awareness and disempower their lies.

Visit reputable sites such as  Global Skywatch for more information about how geoengineering adversely affects our health, and is damaging our planet’s ability to sustain life. Credible documentation irrefutably proving that geoengineering is a reality, can be found through Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America: solar+radiation+management

Additional troll’s usernames that have attacked this article on Reddit and setting a great example of the above tactics, voting points down, insults, and living up to their growing reputation are; adamwho, loliamhigh, ssn697, and herkimer (with the best example yet: Those are the exact same methods that the conspiratards have been using for years. Something tells me that this idiot is just projecting his emotional and intellectual failures on others.”). “His”? That shows a complete lack of observation on the part of herkimer in addition to his other ridiculous and offensive insults. More names will be added as they appear. A great big THANK YOU to all the trolls that are stepping up to the plate and exposing their own tactics with their comments, thus, providing “PROOF” that they are, in fact, disinformation shills.

Additional References

Unmask Wikipedia sock puppets by the way they write – New Science Magazine

Internet Trolls Cyber Harassment, Hecklers & Provocateurs –

Video by Freeman Human below lists more youtube trolls:

To the comment poster originating from a blocked IP address in Niedersachsen, Germany (“Josh”): This article is not “going after” particular “users”, it is shining light on shill/troll tactics and merely providing common usernames to watch out for, along with an example of one such “troll” that continues to rampantly attack honest people having discussions on awareness videos on youtube. This user has several different accounts in which to do this. The reason a specific example was provided is certainly not to single out any particular shill/troll, but, to show the honest people out there, when to recognize a SHILL (troll), from a gullible denier that has fallen prey to the tactics designed to suppress awareness and prevent public outcry.

Too many honest people mistakenly engage in futile conversations with shills/trolls. Considering that there is NO DEBATE, as the “debate” is an intentionally concocted veil to mask reality, then there cannot possibly be “differing opinions”.  Let’s rephrase by stating that comments by non-shills, in other words, REAL PEOPLE WITH HONEST INPUT are welcome.  Thank you for pointing out the need for clarification, it’s much appreciated. The bottom line of it all, is that our planet is being ravaged, polluted, desecrated to the point of becoming uninhabitable, what further “FACTS” or “proof”  are required? (this question is purely rhetorical).

Getting caught in the web of the purposeful “argument” and feverishly trying to “prove” the obvious, is counterproductive; a grand waste of time (something we are running out of). To make it clear, debunking the debunkers focuses on shining light on the tactics that suppress awareness in the mainstream, and if applicable, using live examples to help do this. Trolls/shills/debunkers, intention is to thwart awareness, and those of us that care about the planet and have compassion for humanity, intend to raise the collective awareness that has been severely suppressed in the mainstream courtesy of the often clumsily obvious, but infrequently cleverly disguised, efforts of the DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN, including all shills/trolls/cyberbullies that either purposely, or unwittingly, assist in crimes against humanity.

Thank you for your politely worded comment, however, we, as a species, do not have the time to waste spitting hairs, it’s that simple. Whether your comment was a subversive effort or not, is truly of no consequence. Thank you.  ~Rebel Siren

The following link contains detailed info to research regarding “Cointelpro” and how disinformation agents create grass roots movements and infiltrate activist movements to derail honest efforts:  FBI COINTELPRO: The U.S. Government’s War Against Dissent Always research information for yourselves and above all, keep your eyes wide open and trust your instincts.

Stay aware of fake social media profiles, accept friend requests only from those you know and trust.

Paid Shill Troll fb profile


It is this blog’s right to choose not to be harassed, ridiculed, discriminated against, and abused by paid shills, ignorant hater trolls with too much time on their hands, or anyone else that succumbed to status quo “cult programming” by the aforementioned disinformation sites. This is not “censorship”, it is a conscious choice. We choose positive energy, and it is our unalienable RIGHT to keep our blog AND our world CLEAN and FREE from negativity, lies, hate, and malice.

We’re all about LOVE, therefore, entire pages full of abusive, insulting lies, revealing your true colors, (shades of skidmarks on the underwear of society), will not be accepted, nor will ever so polite “baiting” comments. Did you actually read this blog or just blindly attack? Your tricks are obvious. It doesn’t take a genius to recognize your rehearsed, prefabricated, repetitive spews all over social media forums. Whether you’re a paid shill or just a duped follower, you reject truth, respect, common courtesy, or anyone’s opinion that cares about life and the planet, opting to remain in your heinous, dark existence, thriving on the destruction you are perpetuating. Simply put, you are an affront to every living creature, and the planet itself.

Anyone with a conscience would be ashamed to be a paid shill, troll, or cyberbully, but instead they wallow in narcissism and their inflated egos supersede any sense of humanity that an otherwise intelligent, caring person with integrity would has. Internet troll personality study: Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, sadism Given the level of immaturity and self centered bully mentality, perhaps the only language they’ll truly understand is Pig Latin, so, here goes: “uckfae ouyae, itchesbae.”

~Rebel Siren

Beware of FAKE facebook pages often created by trolls create to impersonate, deceive, and harass those that dare to speak out for a better world, take caution when “liking” any social media page to be certain it’s real. Also, be careful and discerning with memes and posts you share to not inadvertently (unintentionally) spread disinformation. To all the good people out there battling trolls, stand strong, you are NOT ALONE.

Disinformation Strategies Exposed – Please Don’t Feed The Trolls

Disinformation Strategies Exposed – Please Don’t Feed The Trolls

Troll Photo

The hired tactical attack team of “disinformation bloggers”, employed by the corporate public relations spin machine, are up to no good, as usual. They stop at nothing, using age old political strategies such as mudslinging, Straw Man techniques, character assassination, semantics, etc., in an effort to discredit the truth and make advocates of a better world appear weak and baseless.  These shills (aka “trolls”) dominate video threads and articles with their antagonistic comments designed to create doubt and hostility, perpetuating corporate deceit to suppress awareness and prevent public outcry.

I wasn’t aware of how rampant “disinformation bloggers” were until recently, after battling some very vile “trolls” on YouTube awareness videos.  I started noticing that they were all using the SAME comments, same tactics over and over, and I dug around and found the same usernames on similar awareness videos about GMOs, Weather Modification, vaccine risks, Geoengineering, etc.; each regurgitating exactly the same prefabricated “cut ‘n paste” comments, tailored to the issue they’re attacking, but utilizing the same strategy nonetheless.

Some have been at it longer and perfected ad-libs making it a little more difficult to recognize them, and some claim to be “highly educated” with extensive knowledge in “science”, (if you look carefully, you’ll notice they employ the SAME tactics), while the newbies are much more obvious. I have seen these same tactical attacks not only on YouTube, but on facebook pages, blogs, and every other website or news source that uncovers the truth about GMOs, Geoengineering, vaccine risks, etc.  If you pay close attention, you’ll become all too familiar with their repetitive tactics and be able to instantly recognize these hired corporate shills that work so hard to detract from the truth, push their corporate employer’s agenda, and stymie any and all constructive comments that are geared towards raising awareness and finding solutions to create a healthier world.

Something that I learned the hard way is that in order to effectively suppress their negative comments, and hopefully get them off the thread altogether, is to never, under any circumstances, reply to them directly, especially on YouTube.  Always use the main comment box, not “reply to”.  It is also important to ignore their name calling and insults, (even though it’s tough), because no matter how great your comeback is, how truthful, insightful, and based on indisputable, verifiable fact, they will twist it around to use against you and keep on spewing their antagonistic negativity, calling you names like “moron” and “idiot”.  It will become a never ending battle because they are PAID to be relentless!  It’s their “job” to deflect focus from the real issue, which is the corporately controlled, profit driven, toxic, genetically engineered system for which they are hired shills.  Deleting their posts and/or blocking them is the best option, because they are not real folks engaging in healthy discourse, they are an organized corporate tactical attack team. Once you learn their tactics, you’ll easily recognize the difference.

Another topic that the GMO shills have begun to bring up is “climate change and climate science“. At first I thought it was a strategy to change the topic from the dangers of GMOs, (since changing topics is one of their many tactics), then I realized, it’s because of Monsanto’s role in Geoengineering.  If we take a retrospective, and do some research, (agent orange and the Vietnam war), we will find that chemical giants, Monsanto & Dow created Agent Orange the infamous neurotoxic defoliant that was sprayed “chemtrail” style in the Vietnam war, the devastating effects of which continues to poison Vietnam, and plague veterans to this day.  Isn’t it highly suspicious that Bill Gates and Monsanto are openly involved in climate science under the guise of “protecting” the earth? For instance, check out this Science Magazine article from January 26, 2010; of course, there is no admission of funding climate engineering field experiments, but since when does mainstream media report anything other than what they are PAID to say?

It is undeniable that Monsanto’s unsustainable, biohazardous agricultural practices have contributed largely to polluting the atmosphere of this once pristine planet, manipulating and destroying nature, despite what their public relations spin doctors claim.  Yet now, under the guise of “helping” the climate, (which was purposely constructed to be a controversial and volatile political debate designed to be advantageous to these profiteers of Geoengineering and genetic engineering), they will be able to make, sell, and dump more chemicals into our atmosphere, and increase their “bottom line” while jeopardizing our health and environment.

Not to mention the underground seed vault.  This article is from 2007, but was not reported in mainstream news, and I only recently discovered this:  “Doomsday Seed Vault” in the Arctic.  Click this link for Photos.  Haven’t the profiteers of resource exploitation done enough to poison us and our planet?  We must ask ourselves, if “chemtrails” aren’t real, then why is there an underground vault, and why has the biotech industry spent the past few years developing this?… US Patent # 7,582,809. Sorghum Aluminum Tolerance Gene

Have you noticed that “chemtrails” has become a trigger word to conjure up images of “crazy conspiracy theories”?  If anyone does a search online for more information about chemtrails, everything that comes up at first is about “debunking chemtrails” or “conspiracy theories”, and is NOT even remotely valid research data! These so called “debunkers”  have no merit whatsoever, which becomes obvious when you take a close look and do further research.  Both of the debunked “debunking” sites that the  shills attempt to direct people to, “contrailsxience” and “metabuxk”, are disinformation sites both ran by the same guy, a gaming programmer with no expertise or education in science, meteorology, or anything else relevant to Geoengineering.  That’s why verifiable information is critical. Hardcore deniers that demand “scientific evidence” as to the validity of large scale Geoengineering, need only watch this Discovery Channel Documentary:

Additionally, there is a comprehensive presentation by doctoral researcher in the UK, David Lim, that uncovers the truth behind those disinformation tactics by providing irrefutable facts and scientific data about the reality of Geoengineering, (the intense spraying of heavy metals into our skies for the purpose of weather & climate control):

Never stop questioning everything you hear or read!  Always do YOUR OWN research and look beyond the surface to see through the “spin”, just like how GMOs fail to yield more or contribute to humanity, because they’re designed for profit, not “feed the world”.  Reality directly conflicts with Monsanto’s egregious public relations claims, therefore, it is important to not listen to their PR nonsense, but instead, pay attention to their actions, and trust your instincts.  Listen to your heart and be aware of their Public Relations Spin such as what they used when Monsanto bought Beeologics in September 2011, under the guise of “helping save the pollinators”.  Hm? Would these be the same pollinators that they are destroying with their toxic farming methods?

We have a duty to protect our health and our planet from corporate “biotech”, geoengineers, and the destructive bullies they have recruited to do their internet “dirty work”, otherwise, by the time they’re done, the planet will be nothing more than an uninhabitable toxic wasteland.

Please help spread the word to your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, and everyone you meet, to enlighten people to the corporate disinformation tactics running rampant in our mainstream media & internet. Counter the disinformation by increasing awareness about GMOs, Geoengineering, and all issues that are adversely affecting our health and planet.  We must not let ourselves get caught up in the political hype that is intentionally constructed to keep us separated and distracted.  Isn’t it time we work together to put a stop to the “profit over people” mentality that is destroying our world?

The only thing that can stop the profiteers of poison is PUBLIC OUTCRY and that is exactly why disinformation is so rampant in the mainstream!  Please click the links below for more information, and share widely because we are all on this planet together…

~Rebel Siren

Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Sadists – Psychology Today

Source: Disinformation: How It Works

Straw Man Manipulation Tactics

Confessions of a former “shill”: PAID INTERNET TROLLS

Outline of the most used troll strategies, become familiar with these methods in order to effectively expose them on public threads:

Disinformation Tactics of shills & online trolls

John Massaria, Video Producer: Shills, Bullies, and disinformation – Global Skywatch

Do GMO Crops Really Have Higher Yields? | MoJo

Coalition Against Geoengineering

Photo Credit (top of page):  Internet Trolls, Cyberbullies, and Provocateurs –

“Why In The World Are They Spraying”:


Vietnam War Weapon To Be Sprayed On US Corn Crops

Vietnam War Weapon To Be Sprayed On US Corn Crops


Collectively speaking, we must be insane to let toxic chemical companies, and greedy corporate food manufacturers, dominate and control our food supply!  There are still some people out there that deny there is a problem and not only accept, but advocate for, “conventional” farming with crops that are doused with poison!  These deniers might as well say that moths don’t eat sweaters since they don’t have teeth.

Buy a wool sweater and hang it in the closet with a moth then see what happens.  While it may not be the adult moths that eat sweaters, their larvae do a fine job of turning your cashmere and wool into Swiss cheese; by the same token, Big Ag is poisoning us with their toxic genetically modified organisms (GMOs) designed to withstand enormous amounts of toxic herbicides and pesticides, contributing to Colony Collapse Disorder (bee decline),  jeopardizing the future.


Denying anything is wrong with the food system because Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow, Bayer, BASF, and DuPont, whose only interest is to PROFIT, (not “feed the world” as they claim), have the big dollars it takes to protect “big ag”, might as well go ahead and deny that moths eat sweaters, that grass is green and that the earth revolves around the sun, while our collective health deteriorates and our pollinators continue to die off in large numbers.

Maybe when these deniers (most of which are paid corporate trolls), learn that they are suffering from diabetes, autoimmune disorders, cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, food allergies, and a host of other illnesses, and they’re knocking on death’s door, they’ll finally realize something is amiss with the foods they’ve been consuming all these years and will regret not doing something about it sooner.  Who decided to let toxic chemical companies control our food anyway?!  Did someone answer yes to, “would you like a side of Agent Orange with that”?…

2,4D is a 50% composite of the neurotoxin, Agent Orange.  Oh, but wait, didn’t “they” say that the poisons sprayed by men in hazmat suits on crops are perfectly “safe”?  Yes, they sure did!  Just like they said that DDT was safe.  It’s not like they’d lie, cheat, steal, and even kill, to make money, right?…  For more information:…

“We are advising the public that the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has received a petition from Dow AgroScience LLC seeking a determination of nonregulated status of corn designated as DAS-40278-9, which has been genetically engineered for increased resistance to broadleaf herbicides in the phenoxy auxin group (such as the herbicide 2,4-D) and resistance to grass herbicides in the aryloxyphenoxypropionate acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase inhibitor group (such as quizalofop herbicides).”

The chemical pesticide group 2,4-D can cause acute toxicity and was a major component (roughly 50%) of Agent Orange, says Cornell University:

Rats fed 2,4-D produced “fetuses with abdominal cavity bleeding and increased mortality,” says the Cornell link above, which also states that 2,4-D may cause infertility, birth defects, organ toxicity and neurological effects. —

Previously used as a weapon in the Vietnam War, 2,4-D may now be dropped en masse on U.S. crop fields

“What’s most astonishing about this petition request is that if it is approved, the U.S. would then become an “agricultural war zone” where genetically engineered corn is “carpet bombed” with 2,4-D chemicals. Being resistant to such chemicals, the GE corn may then uptake those chemicals into its own structures and grain kernels, thereby creating corn laced with 2,4-D that would be unleashed when you eat your corn-based breakfast cereals or corn tortillas.

Corn is in practically everything you buy at the grocery store, one way or another.  Watch the documentary King Corn to learn more”. —



To the deniers of the world, WAKE UP!!!  Meanwhile, the rest of us will be busy exposing corruption in the food system and taking action to rid our foods of unwanted, unhealthy substances!

For instance, global processed food giant and backer against Prop 37 (CA proposed bill to label genetically modified foods – update did NOT pass due to heavy corporate influence opposing it spending in excess of 45 MILLION dollars to oppose the bill all the while claiming “labeling would cost too much”, despite labels being changed ALL THE TIME for various reasons), Rich’s Foods Corporation, is one of the largest dragons to slay.

Rich’s puts HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) and GMOs in all of their foods, including breads and deli dishes, that they market WORLDWIDE!  If you don’t recognize the name, “Rich’s”, it could be because the store/bakery/deli/restaurants that sell their products, do so under their own name (talk about sneaky)… This giant global corporation serves the world unhealthy ingredients in their “tasty” dishes that are sold to busy, unsuspecting families.

Rich Products Corporation is getting “rich” $$$$$$$$$ at the expense of people’s health. Profit over people is the name of their game, evident in this interview with owner, Bob Rich, Jr…. 

(When will people’s health become more important than profit?… when the earth has become an unsustainable toxic wasteland and all life on it is dead)?…

Know what is in your food, stay informed, and speak up to let “BIG AG” (toxic warfare chemical corporations like the “BIG SIX“, Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, Syngenta, BASF, and DuPont, know that “we the people” refuse to accept their “poison for profit”!

Thanks for your support because the person that you are actually supporting is YOU!

Cheers to good health and vitality!



“Big 6” Pesticide Corporations Top the List of Food Labeling Opponents – PANNA

Prop 37: food companies spend $45m to defeat California GM label bill – The Guardian

Prop 37 Fails After Big Money Is Spent By GMO Profiteers To Defeat It – The Guardian